Thursday, August 2, 2012

Another Glacier Day -- Logan Pass, Many Glacier, Goat Lick (again)

Our alarm went off at 5 a.m. (YAWN), we were out the door by 6, with the sun just starting to show signs of life.  We first drove up to Logan Pass, which was so very busy 2 days there were only a handful of people there.  On the way, we did see the same things we saw before....but the lighting was so very much different.
The picture above is of Heavens Peak, and as it towers above the shadows below, it is easy to see how it got its name.

We got up to Logan Pass and sure enough, three Bighorn Sheep rams were right there within view of the parking lot.  Marcia didn't even need to get out of the car to see them!
 Above you can clearly see them, below they are specks in the middle of the picture.  Unfortunately, they did not stick around long, moving back into the trees.
Below is the view looking back from where we parked you can see the Logan's Pass Visitors Center, and Reynolds Mountain, where I did the hike two days ago.  Well, no need to do that since I got a picture of the Bighorn Sheep much easier this time.  But the morning sun has sure made the mountain look nice.
Not too far from the summit is what is called "Siyeh Bend", and as you turn along the bend this waterfall is coming off the mountain.
There are many waterfalls throughout the park.  I still like the waterfalls of Yosemite better, but I think that is because of the are in the valley watching them fall down.  Here, you see many of these from above or from so far away that you can't appreciate them as much.

Just outside of the east entrance is the city of Saint Mary, and there is a nice lawn for the dogs to run around on.  The only thing they need to watch out for is the Columbian Ground Squirrels, native of Canada and the U.S., and they are "awake" for only 4 months of the year.  Although I got a shot of the squirrel on the lawn, later when we had lunch I got a much better shot, which is shown below.
Anyway, we still had not got to our destination for the morning, Many Glaciers area.  To get there you have to go through the park, head north, then come back into the park.  This area is not as busy as the "Going-to-the-Sun" area, but by the time we got there around 8 am, there were a lot of people there getting ready for their hike.  It is a major launching point for those who want to do part-day or full-day hikes within Glacier.  It is also known for its wildlife, and yes....there is wildlife, but they are a bit allusive, that is for sure.
We saw three deer, a cub running across the road a few miles down from where I got this deer picture, some geese, and that was about it.  In talking with people the few days we have been here, most who saw wildlife, did see it in this area.  All we were able to get a picture of was this little fawn following its mother and sibling, which both had already gone into the bushes.

But what we did not miss was the wonderful landscape....

Well, now we decided to drive from Many Glaciers to the south around the bottom of the park, and back up to the motor home.  This would take us by Goat Lick where Marcia had seen the goats yesterday, and we were hoping to see some more.  What we did see was some more of the landscape that the park has to offer.
After striking out again at Goat Lick, we went back to the motor home where we both tried to catch up on our sleep...neither of us are use to going on only 5 hours or so of sleep.  I won't bore you with the details of our third adventure at Goat Lick later that evening...we really thought that the goats would come out at dusk...but we were wrong.  

Not sure what we will be doing tomorrow.  I know that we need to travel on Saturday, so Friday will be a hang around the motor home type of day getting ready for the 2 day trip to Yellowstone where we will be staying for 10 days.  I think our wildlife viewing will be much better there.  But we both love this place, and it will be a "let's go back" type of place, that is for sure.

And if any of you are wondering "Where is all the glaciers at glacier national park?"  They estimate that by 2030 that the glaciers will be gone unless there is a change in the weather pattern.  But what won't be gone is the wonderful landscape that is left.

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