Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Drowsey Alert & EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY -- What I didn't know still...

Imagine if you would, driving a few hours and you decide it is time to stretch your neck.  A little to the right, a little to the left, head up, head down, and BEEEEEEP...It appears your are drowsy!  WHAT????  A guy can't stretch his neck out without the creeper dash system acting like that kid in school that has to tell the teacher on everyone!   No, I was not tired, just stretching my neck...gee whizzzzz

Then today...I was driving along the two lane highway in Colorado close to the four corners area.  The road is hilly...goes up, then down, then up a bit higher, than down even lower, over and over and over.  Then, as I just get to the top of one of these hills, there are three trucks in their appropriate lane headed up the other side of the hill.  Apparently "Creeper Dash" (I coined that term Nancy) throws a HUGE HISSY FIT!  An alarm...yes, an alarm goes off.  I look at the Dash and it said something like, "Emergency! Stop! and a Flash, and it all goes away.  I pass along on my side of the road, the trucks pass along on their side of the road, and Marcia is like, "What the Hell was THAT?"  Oh, I wish I knew...   My guess is, Creeper Dash thought the trucks and us were going to hit each other.  It took about 2 seconds before it realized that like Congressman Jamaal Bowmen it panicked and pulled a false alarm.  Then, like the Congressman, it goes on like nothing unusual happened.  The only difference is that there was no media that witnessed mine, so Creeper Dash got away with it...

I forgot to mention yesterday that I drove for well over an hour first thing in the morning without one lane assist violation.  All proud with my shoulders pulled back I look down at the buttons under the GPS-Radio-ETC Screen and notice a light on...it is on the lane assist...Indy must have been trying to look at me through the front window and hit that button twice in a row turning the alarm off.  Dejected, I turned it back on, and within 10 minutes it goes off.  GRRRRR!!!  

Then today, while driving up in the North West area of New Mexico I hit a 40 mile stretch that had lots of pot holes...as I drove around as many as I could, Creeper Dash reported me as a lane violation.  Well, Creeper Dash is just lucky I did not have a gun in my hand...

Today we are in Monticello Utah, tomorrow we will visit Arches, then drive to Salt Lake City were we are meeting Stephanie and her Aunt Debbie (my first wife's sister) for dinner.  After dinner we will travel an hour outside of SLC to a rest area so that Thursday we won't have to worry about any morning rush hour traffic.  Not sure, but we might just get to Sacramento Thursday night...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Our Thor Sequence - Part Three - Travel Update

Parked at Storrie Lake, Las Vegas New Mexico

 So here are a few pics of our Camper Van in use.

Shows the two storage areas over front seats

There is always a cabinet that is for electronics

The breaker box which includes the converter

Indy was pleased....

Driver side includes power, water, sewer, propane, etc

These two steps help us reach the first van step

There is a hook up for a grill...nothing we will use

In order to bring the ADA GoGo, we got this carrier with a swing arm so we can still open the back

Below the closet and drawers in bathroom is this cubby for water hose, electric lines, etc., accessible from outside by opening back doors

We added this two bins to carry cleaning supplies and coffee

The Walker has to have a home too...on bed while travel, where ever it fits while parked.

A organizer for toiletry items


Sunday we drove from Texarkana to Amarillo Texas.  Another 500+ day which was uneventful other than it was a lot of driving through small town to another small town.  After 1,500 miles in such a short time period, decided to drive another 240 miles today to Storrie Lake near Las Vegas New Mexico.  

Of course, just as we enter the park we get a Flash Flood Warning for the area on our phones.  Turns out we had very little water here, but nearby roads were flooded.  Today has been a much more relaxing day.