Thursday, September 19, 2024

Return to Texola, Double D RV Park

Back in the spring of 2022 we drove from Pine Bluff to Texola, population 42, and stayed at the Passport America Park for $14...we were the only ones here.  Today, after getting tired of driving but not in much pain, I decided to stay here again...still $14 with Passport discount.  This time there was 4 or 5 rigs here when we pulled in, and 3 more that pulled in after.

We enjoyed our night at Santa Rosa Lake, and left around 8 am after using the dump station.  Traffic was steady, only a couple of jerks today to watch out for, and what construction that was going on didn't slow us down by more than a couple of minutes.

Tomorrow's goal is Little Rock or beyond.  Temps are now in the 90's, humidity around 45%, and rising into the 60% in Arkansas. 

Saw gas for under $2.50 today, but I did not need any at that time. 

A trend this year is less pictures.  I have seen so much of the countryside along this route that taking pics just hasn't interested either of us.  Wish I took a picture of Indy when I called Sandy today...she heard Aunt's voice and knew right away who it was, she got up by my lap and was so excited. Can't wait till we do some FaceTime when we get back to the condo.

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