Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Home, But For How Long...


Here is Marcia and her long-time friend Gerry.  Gerry is four years older than Marcia, and they have known each other for over 55 years, meeting in Chicago by chance.  Marcia was walking around the block with two of her children, one was in a stroller.  Gerry was out on her front lawn with her daughter Ruth, and Marcia stopped, they started a conversation, and the friendship bloomed from there.  We have met Ruth (whom Gerry lives with along with Ruth's husband, their daughter and son-n-law and their two kids in a very large house) at Cracker Barrels, and at the home they had near St. Augustine, and now at this home outside of Atlanta twice.  What a friendship these two have had...they can go months, even years, not seeing each other, and then when they do, carry on like they had just seen each other yesterday.

I survived the sauna of Tifton, and when we left the Cracker Barrel at 7 am, we were home by noon.  The goal is to NOT have to load and unload too much stuff each trip, but even the amount we do is overwhelming when it is 95 degrees, when it is the hottest September 23rd in Tampa history, and ... well ... you got the picture.  First things first, I needed to take the Cargo Carrier off the back.  Once that was done, and the ADA GoGo Scooter was put in the HHR, I was sweating like a pig.  Then it is a matter of getting some clothes into the condo, all of the toiletries, and our computer stuff.  The perishable foods would wait until Tuesday (which is today, in real life).  

After I parked the Camper Van in the Storage Lot, hooked up the cameras, I came back to get dinner, and then took the longest shower I can remember.  BOY, that sure felt great!  Not sure what time we went to bed...probably before 10, and got up at 8:30 this morning...that felt Great.

So the Camper Van is again back at the condo.  I finished getting a few things, such as dog food (poor Indy had to live off our our food) and laundry soap, and a few other things.  Then, I emptied the Fridge, turned it off, and it is currently in meltdown mode.  Another hour, in this heat, and even the water will have evaporated!  (LOL)

So what is with the title, "Home, But For How Long"...

Well, a storm by the name of Helene is headed our way.  All of the models so far are saying it will hit in what they call the "Big Bend" area.

Above is what Wikipedia shows as the Big Bend area.  The "blue" extends all the way down to where we live near Tampa.  The Red is the Big Bend Region.  The storm is suppose to hit the Region...but the Area, including where we live.  So by Wednesday night we will have to make a decision as to staying or leaving.  All long as it continues to head north, we will stay.  If the prediction shows a turn to the east...well...that is one of the reasons we have an RV.  And with this Camper Van, it makes it that much easier.  

So "IF" we did decide to leave, the Cargo Carrier stays behind, so that does not have to be worried about.  The amount of clothes and the amount of food does not have to be as large.  The toiletries and the drugs and the computers all go.  I figure when we make a decision to leave, if we do, we can be gone in a hours notice.  Chances are...we will be staying put.

Note:  I put Indy's food in her bowl an hour ago...she hasn't touched it, but she did have some Pork, which is part of her daily diet... so no comments about how mean we were to her last night or this morning, she is just fine!


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