Sunday, September 22, 2024

Bremen GA

Today we shot through the rest of Arkansas, through Tennessee (well, a small corner of it), Mississippi, Alabama and into Georgia.  We are at a Cracker Barrel in Bremen, which means neither of us had to cook dinner or dishes.

 About 90 minutes from Marcia's friends house, we plan to go by a Blue Beacon Truck wash in the morning on our way there...spend 3-4 hours visiting, then head south to home, which is around 450 miles to the south.  Should be home Monday.

It was an uneventful day until trying to decide where to stay for the night.  After striking out on 3 other possible choices (one full, one had bad cell signal, one was a Loves which had 8 RV hookups in a very loud atmosphere) that I decided Cracker Barrel was it even though the generator would need to run to keep AC going.  Well, turns out the temps are in the low 60s and the generator only ran from 6:30 to 9 pm!  

The journey is nearly complete...

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