Sunday, September 8, 2024

Grandma Has a Special Little Visitor


Thursday of last week Marcia and I went for a visit with mom.  If we get there earlier enough, I can put out the awning and we enjoy a cool outdoor visit.  Arrived shortly after 9 am, got everything setup, went in and got mom, and started to enjoy our visit.  A blue VW comes humming up (an EV) and mom says, "I don't have any idea who that is..."  Until it parks and my son Michael gets out.  Now he is parked a good 20-25 yards from where mom was and as soon as he emerges she says, "It's Michael!"  Her next words were, "I hope he brought Addy!!!"

Michael and Addy get setup, and Addy sits comfortably on her daddy's lap.

It does not take long before she is on the grass, and she is pulling out books, playing with her toys as we all converse and watch the show.

Soon she is off to the rocks where she starts to load up her dump truck.

Then she moves over to the other side and gets those rocks too.

Then she spots the small amount of water puddled on the sidewalk from the lawn irrigation system.  PUDDLES!!!!

So at first she jumps on the puddle, then squats over the puddle, puts her hands in it, then puts her hands in her mouth.  "ADDY, don't put that water into your mouth!", says Michael.

Well, like any two year old, that warning lasts for about 60 seconds...

... and back at it she goes.  Soon she is sitting in the water, then she is sitting on Dad's lap.  

We all had a wonderful hour-plus visit, and seeing her Great Granddaughter, her Grandson, Marcia and I all at the same time sure made Mom's day.  Michael took Addy's pants off and put them on his dash for the drive to Day Care down by the State Capitol where he works.  I hope they dried before he got her there...

Well, we find our time here in Sacramento is coming to an end.  We left our Condo on July 18th.  We knew when we left that we would be home before the end of October.  We plan to leave on Saturday the 14th, and take our time getting home...which probably will be before October 1st.

As for living in the Camper Van, the fix with the beds has worked out very well.  I find the cooking area to be much too small, but I work with the area the best I can.  Dropping a raw egg on the floor, a rare thing for me to do, is product of the small area.  We can go five days before emptying the waste tanks, which is not bad considering how small the black tank is.  There is a gas station a few miles away where I pay $10 to do the dirty deed.  We just make sure to include the dump station in any errands we needed to do on those days.  And the small fridge definitely has its limits, but we have been able to fit our most needed items in it, and we go to the store at least twice a week, and Sam's Club about every 10 days.  

Will try and post one more time before we leave, and every day or two while we travel back to Florida.



  1. Now that's MY kind of girl ..... DUMP TRUCK!! I agree, the kitchen area is small. Frozen dinners I prepared ahead of time work good, Marie Callander's pot pies and restaurants all work well. No "cooking" so to speak. And guess what ... that means SO much less stuff in the cupboards. And no stock of canned goods to be thrown away two years later because I never used them!

    1. We have been eating many different roll-ups, even getting a burrito from California Burrito and taking the insides and putting it on the Carb Balance tortillas. Did not bring very many canned goods. Did bring a good supply of Tuna Packets. As for Addie, she is a very smart well balanced young girl. Love her to death.

  2. Glad everyone arrived to visit with your Mom.
    Safe Travels and Enjoy the adventure.

    It's about time.

  3. I loved the pictures of your very "normal" granddaughter. Kids and water puddles go hand in hand.

  4. What a great visit for your mom. I am impressed that she knew it was Micheal right away and then went on to mention Addy. I hope I am that with it when/if I get to that age. Safe travels back!

    1. "Impressed" was exactly what I thought. It was so quick I was shocked! Saw her two days later and asked if she remembered her special visitors from Thursday and she quickly said, "My great granddaughter!"


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