We left after lunch with mom, dad and my sister Patty, and after Arny helped us again by making sure our tire pressures were accurate. When we bought our motorhome we got brand new tires, and I never pressure gaged them before. When I tried, I found out that the outside dully had such a short stem that I could not get my gage on it. I went by a Napa store and got two extenders, and we are in fine shape now. We arrived at Tahoe Valley RV Resort around 3:30, had to fill up with water since they have turned most of the faucets off for the winter. (Passport American park cost $17.50 per night, free Internet, electricity, sewer….)
It was a pretty drive, as highway 50 always is, hardly a cloud in the sky, and just an occasional wind. Highway 50 is in great shape, and there are many turnouts and passing lanes for that part which is only one lane each way.
I was happy to see that the fall colors were still in their prime for much of the trip…although eventually all you see is evergreens as you get nearer to the 7,200 ft. elevation at the pass.
Marcia took many of the pictures today since I was driving, and we did not want to stop for photos.
Including this shot with camera hanging out of the window pointing down at the American River (above) and Tahoe Valley and Lake Tahoe (below)
And these two mountain shots below, one taken through the window and one out the open window.
Although there is going to be some snow tonight / tomorrow, I think we are going to have a good time here…as long as we don’t freeze our …. water pipes. (naughty naughty to all of you who thought I was going to say something else.
What a beautiful drive! I am so glad you are having a great time exploring. Lake Tahoe and the snow has to be a thing of beauty! Can't wait to see!