Monday, June 28, 2021

Forgot to Schedule Campsite for 4th -- Fireworks Come Early


Woke up last night with that 'cold sweat', the one you have when you KNOW you did something this case, it is what you DIDN'T do that is the problem.  It is Monday morning (although 1 am in the morning) and in just seven days it will be the 4th of July.  The 4th is one of the BIG campground crushers...when EVERYONE and their Mother goes Camping for how many days as they can get away with.  In this case, it falls on Sunday, so either Friday or Monday are part of the weekend, and in some cases, BOTH days...take 3 days vacation and you can get NINE days off in a row.  I spent over 2 hours trying to find a campground with openings over he weekend along our no avail.  More on that in a minute.

Marcia got to enjoy a 2 1/2 hour, uninterrupted visit with her good friend of nearly 60 years, Gerry (picture above was from 2014).  Gerry lives with her daughter and son-in-law, and her granddaughter, her husband, and their new baby boy (about 3 months old).  They all live in a very large house, with the younger generation having the entire upper floor to themselves, and with Gerry having a portion of the lower area to herself.  Living outside Atlanta now, we made it a point to travel over to their house.  I stayed with Indy in the motorhome trying to find a place to stay over the 4th. luck.

We left around 2, and headed to Calhoun Georgia where we had a one night's stay at an older KOA (one that looks and feels much better than the one we were at last night, and they DON'T have the gall to call it a 'Resort' either.  As we pulled onto I-285 from I-85 there were these two very large potholes...ones I could not miss...and there was a BAM and a BAM and KABOOM!  Above you see what is left of our Microwave Convection Oven. One of the mounting screws broke, the other pulled out from the Microwave, and it all came tumbling down on top of our stove and countertop and faucet.  The only thing broke, besides the Oven was the faucet....and our shorts.  YES, scared the living daylights out of us...that's for sure.

I will provide pictures of the Campground in my next blog because, tomorrow morning we move to another spot in the campground and can stay for another six days!  HALLELUJAH!  They had ONE spot open (but it was taken for tonight only), and we were there to grab it.  And LOOK, this 'NON-RESORT' brought us some cookies for checking nice that was, although we are both on a non-sugar diet...perhaps I can lure someone to help me toss that heavy microwave convection oven into the trash barrel for a couple of cookies.  😉


  1. Boy do I hate those loud crashes!!! Good grief!! I'd eat those cookies in a flash, just to make me feel better about the microwave. Hopefully you can find one to fit. You can always stay here for as long as you want, although I am a tad bit further West. So happy you found a site.

    1. Thinking of a toaster oven...we can live without a microwave and toaster oven is only 15 pounds compared to the 70+ pounds that Convection/Microwave oven weighed. We also can pick up more storage space too. We will see after we get to my sister's backyard in August.


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