Before I get into our travels, I want to wish Mom and Dad a Happy 68th Anniversary for Sunday. We wish they could have been with us in Tok, but when I took this picture I just knew I could get them here by the magic of photoshop. When we left them back on April 30th, we knew they would be fine living next door to my sister as they have for over 4 years now…however, when we get back, they will be living in an Assisted Living situation because the company that owned the home is putting it up for sale. They knew the day would come, just did not know when or how…the Lord works in mysterious ways. And hey, we won’t even be there to help with the move…how did I time that one??? Love you mom and dad, happy anniversary.
We left Tok after scrubbing all the Alaska Highway crud off of our motorhome. The RV parks in Tok have wash bays…for a price. Cost $12, for up to 45 minutes of use, and they also provide buckets and brushes. I got my RV cleaner out and added it to the bucket, and all in all, it did a pretty good job…few spots were missed, but all the heavy duty gunk is gone. We did the car the day before at a car wash down the street for $3 for 5+ minutes of use…but that place was too muddy for me to want to do the motorhome at. So off we go to the south, headed for our next leg, Glennallen, Alaska.
Note to self: Next time you pick out an RV park while in Alaska, be sure to use the search term “Mosquitoes” and the name of the park into Google and see what you get.
Second Note to Self: When you cross over and drive next to so much water, and then you stop for camp shortly after crossing said water, expect Mosquitoes!
I actually sprayed my screen door with OFF, along with bug spray. I only found maybe 4 mosquitos the entire trip. The good thing is they are so big and slow, they are easy to swat!!!
ReplyDeleteBig is an understatement...these suckers are so big, eight of them were carrying me off!