Monday, August 14, 2023

Sunset Through The Trees


Indy needs out one last time each evening, and this typically leads me to a view of the sun setting through the trees to the west.

As with any sunset, you also need to look to the east to see what the last of the sun's rays do there.  This one tree always illuminates with the sun's last rays.

And then there are the needles and branches that are between the camera lens and the setting sun.

In all my stops, I have never seen sunsets through this type of view.  It is not as pretty, but it is interesting...and peaceful.

Yesterday I decided to head on back to the river and see this sunset coming on.  With clouds to the west, which typically produce a real good sunset.  These pictures above are on the way to the river, taken at the exact same spot.  The lower one focus in on the house that is in the distance.  I thought what a nice place to live...sunrise over the vast meadow to the east, and sunsets to the west which are easily accessible by either going out into the meadow, or going down by the river.

As I near the river I see a deer...a rare event in this area that was full of dear just 12 months ago.  They had 180" of snow last winter.  The grass that grew at the base of trees was buried deeply under the snow.  As the winter progressed, the deer got thinner and thinner...and the deer herds got thinner and thinner.  Mark, owner of the park here, said that the deer that you do happen upon this year are about the sized of a Great Dane.  Earlier in the day I went to Quincy to get some food at Safeway and saw my first deer while here...and it was the size of a Great Dane.  This one above that I saw yesterday evening was barely larger than a Great Dane.  I did see a much larger deer running across the meadow later that I just could not get a picture of...and it looked much larger and some did survive...perhaps some farmer who put out some hay.  (However, feeding big game animals is prohibited in California (Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 251.3).

I got to the river just in time for the last of the sun's rays.  It is a bit prettier with the clouds, which glow with yellows and red alongside the dark clouds.   One thing I learned from last time, if I hurry back the park I can capture the same sunset again due to the increased 200 ft of elevation.

Sunsets through the trees are nice...unobstructed sunsets...especially those with clouds...just can't be beat.


  1. Pretty! I like the red sky the best. :)

    1. Thank you. Hope you two have safe travels as you head east.

  2. Very cool sunset pictures. I love the ones by the river. And who knows whether someone puts hay out or not, especially in a big snow year?

    1. Why would the state care if people put hay out for deer? They could at least have permits which would allow it, especially in hard winter times.

  3. Both are nice but you are right, the unobstructed ones are much prettier.
    The first thing I thought when I saw that deer was how short and sticky it is. Then I read your explanation. Interesting.


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