Huntley Park, Gold Beach, Oregon
Our new neighbors have been moving in the past two days. It is a family of Grandma and Grandpa, who own a cafe in Gold Beach, their daughter and son-in-law (she works weekends at cafe) and their two or is it three boys, their son (who helped move stuff, but isn’t up here totally yet because he runs things during the week at the cafe) and his two girls…and of course, their dog Hank…more about Hank here in a minute. Now these are the ones we know about so far…there are more coming because they have already paid for the two sites on the other side of us. Told the “grandma” that we feel like the peanut butter between two slices of bread. We offered to move but she insisted that we stay put…until this evening when she saw the wisdom in having all four sites together, so tomorrow we move down two sites. Since we have to travel to Gold Beach to dump our tanks, it is nothing big on us…and everyone will be for the better. The family is just adorable.
This is grandma and grandpa’s dog Hank…a very friendly, occasional barking dog. He gets Skruffy going, but is trying to restrain herself.
Hank thinks the fire pit makes for one good dog bed for Hank! Let’s just hope Hank decides differently after they make their nightly fire because it is that fire pit which has all the wood stacked up around it…and the chairs forming a circle around it.
Walked over to the Gazebo, where the wedding was held last Saturday. Nice little garden around it, and some of the flowers are still in bloom.
I have no idea what type of flower this is, but they were the ones which were in more abundance…the other type of flowers were withering away already…but the plants themselves are all very healthy.
This ‘almost’ wants me to say, “Merry Christmas” to everyone…
I just love how you can frame pictures of the boats going up or down the river with this tree…lucky we are not camped there or that’s all you would see pictures of.
But I did get them flying off the nest. Although they look like they are consecutive shots, they are not…the one on the right was taken about 10 minutes before the one on the left, and from a different angle. The good thing about moving…I think I will be able to see this nest from our picnic bench! 
I love taking pictures of the osprey. How cool you will have a better view!!
ReplyDeleteA better view, and we will still be near this great family, but not caught up into big summer camping extravaganza before school starts up. But the kids are the sweetest kids, and the adults are just good, good people. Told the kids they would still need to come by and visit Marcia and me...and the dogs (which I think is the bigger draw)