After making the dump run to Brookings last week, we talked it over and decided that we needed a week “off of our aircard”, or we were going to be paying for 4 and up to 7 gigs of overage charges on our next Verizon bill. First, it is a 31 day billing period, not the normal 30. Second, we were at 15 of our 40 gigs, and only 11 of our 31 days were gone. That put us on course for 45 gigs, at $15 per gig for each gig over 40. So I called Indian Creek RV Park in Gold Beach. I had read that they had decent weekly rates, as low as $155 if you don’t mind being stuck into an RV Park like a Sardine into a can. However, they had three more options, a premium site for $240 per week, pull-through for $210, and what they call a “Circle Site” for $198. Thank goodness we got a “Circle Site”, at least the sardine feeling is not as prevalent. (There are five circles, just a handful of pull-through sites, even fewer premium sites, and many sardine sites.)
To the left you can see a few of the premium sites and pull-through sites. The “Premium” site (far right 5th wheel) has a little fence and a picnic table. The pull through sites are just large pull through sites, nothing else special about them. In the far back they have tent campers…saw a few motorcycles headed that way today, but I have not walked back there to view them as of yet. They have three pet areas, although one is just across the road from the entrance which is along the Rogue River. There is an Indian Creek, and it enters Rogue River right at the property line. And as for their Internet…it is GOOD, real GOOD.
To get an “average” download speed “IN” a RV Park of 10 megs per second, is pretty good. Rarely I have had better…many times much worse. And these test were taken at 7:30 pm, when the Internet is being used by a full park. Just can’t complain about this, and that is what we were here for.
Internet, and coolness…and being less than a mile from the Pacific, we certainly will have the coolness. They complained as I checked in that it got up to 85 degrees yesterday. At Loeb State Park it was 91, for about 90 minutes, and then the breeze kicked in and we were back in the low 80’s, and by 6 pm we were down to low 70’s again. Yep, we can handle those type of temps, that is for sure.
On our way down to Highway 101 we came across this small fawn in the roadway. I slowed to a crawl, but the large truck coming the other way, with its big loud diesel engine, just kept driving along, scaring this young thing to the brink of panic. Finally, it found a way up this bank, and it disappeared. Thank goodness Marcia got this one and only picture of it as it scampered up the slope and we could only hope that mama deer was up there somewhere. After a quick stop at Fred Meyer, and at the Rest Area to dump our tanks, it was a uneventful 30 mile trip up to Gold Beach. After a week here, we need to find a place or two for another two weeks, then we intend to return to Loeb State Park for a full two weeks as we slowly start to head back to the heat of the Sacramento Valley, where we intend to land by September 13th at the latest.
I haven't seen that kind of circle setup before. Interesting!! I had no idea those parks were so expensive. $200 for a week sounds like a lot, but I guess you're on the river and the fishermen will pay it. Course you are saving a bundle on your Air Card to make up for it!! I do love the area and the "cool"!!
ReplyDeleteIt is a far cry from my monthly rate of $325 in Pine Bluff Arkansas, that is for sure. I saw a few others more inland which were less, but they did not have Internet or people complained about how poor the Internet was. And yes, a bunch of fisherman right now.