Veterans Day 2016
First, thanks to my dad who served during the waning days of WW2. Although the warfare came to an end on board USS Missouri September 2, 1945, men and women who were in the military during the time period of December 7, 1941 – December 31, 1946 are considered WW2 Vets. Dad served in the Navy during 1046, so he is a WW2 Vet, and during his service he went to Japan for a short time period. As a WW2 Vet, dad is currently receiving a VA benefit which helps mom and dad to live in a Assisted Living Center in the Sacramento area.
Second, my brothers, Bob and Jim. Bob is younger than Jim being the second child, but Bob entered the Army about a year before Jim did. Bob was stationed in Germany first, then went to Viet Nam, (also called “Nam”, and now days spelled as one word, Vietnam, in many instances.) As Bob was going to Nam, Jim was going to Germany, and spent his military years in that general area. Bob came home from Nam safe and sound and fairly “sane”, having spent most of his time serving in Military Communications at Lang Bian Mountain…many of our Vietnam Vets did not fair so well.
Third, my Uncles, Aunts, Brother-in-law, cousins and other relatives I know who also served in the military. Some during times of peace, some during times of war. Some who were at Pearl Harbor on that fateful day, one, James Woodrow Cline, who died on May 11, 1945 from a kamikaze attack aboard the USS Bunker Hill, a Essex-class aircraft carrier. I have written about Uncle Jimmy before, and those posts can be found here:
Fourth, to the long list of ancestors on both mom and dad’s side of the family tree, who served in a long list of Military Service and Military Conflicts. From Grandpa Burdick to my 6th Great Grandfather, Peter, a Lieutenant in the Rhode Island Militia. There were many of my ancestors who served.
And finally, to friends, acquaintances, and to the millions of other American men and women who have served in the military of the United States of America. The famous phrase, "all gave some; some gave all" should have deep meaning to us all, I know it does to me. Thank you to all of our Vets, living and dead…and especially to those who came back wounded, and those who gave their all.
Hi Dave:
ReplyDeleteFinally, I'm back checking on blog posts - and writing a few words myself. Hope all is well with you and Marcia. Thought of you both last weekend when my granddaughter, Addison, and her boyfriend drove from Sacramento to crater Lake - just to find it completely fogged in so that they saw NOTHING! Sad, but kind of funny too. They'll go back again someday. Her boyfriend is a New Yorker and had never been to Oregon so they did get to see some beautiful countryside - just not what I saw when I was there at the same time as you two - 2013!
WOW Mary-Pat, YOU are still alive! I thought maybe that Central America had swallowed you up! Will check out your blog, sure nice to hear from you again.