Thursday, November 30, 2023

Baytown Texas, 800 More Miles Down, 900 to Go

Ever wonder HOW did I do this or that when you were younger...but NOW it is like, "I wonder how I ever did THAT!   Case in point, when I was 22 years old, perhaps only 21, I left the Kansas City Missouri are, alone, and drove to Sacramento, alone, in about 28 hours...except for the 3 hour break I forced myself to take in Battle Mountain or Winnemucca so that 'Dad' wouldn't know how fast I was moving along.  This was back in '76 or '77.  National Speed Limit was a whole 55 mph.  States that decided not to follow, lost highway funds, so they all cooperated.  Following the speed limit would take me at least 31.5 hours.  Why did it matter at 'my age' back then?  Because he let me take his fairly new Toyota which got better gas mileage, was more comfortable, and very reliable as compared to my Chevy Malibu.  But my point is this....HOW DID I DRIVE THAT LONG, WITHOUT HELP, AND GET THERE THAT FAST???

Back in 1976/77 - 1,700 miles in 28 hours + 3 hour rest

Today we ended a two day, 800 mile trip.  WHY are we so beat up???  After setting up camp, I sat down in my reclining chair and 5 minutes later I said to Marcia, "I feel like the motorhome is still moving!"   I knew it wasn't, but in my hands and arms I could still feel it moving...


Today - 800 miles in 17 hours over 2 days with hour break each day

I will do a better post on these two travel days tomorrow...right now I feel like I need to 'veg out'.


  1. I know you are in a hurry to get back, but why not take several days? When I was a kid I drove to Denver Colorado in 22 hours. We were just stronger back then!!! Now I never go over 350 miles in a day, and that's pushing it.

    1. Our first concern was cold weather...that is unwarranted now since we are in the hot, muggy gulf coast. But YES, now the urge to get home is tugging at our tails...well, Indy's

  2. We've done 20+ hours straight treks in our younger days, but we took turns driving. Those were in the days when we were on vacation and had limited time. We will not do those anymore!

    1. In 2010 I drove the Library vehicle alone from Pine Bluff Arkansas to Monterey California for a computer conference. On the way home from the conference I drove straight through to Pine Bluff with a few naps in the problem. Now, a mere 13 years later, not sure I could make that same drive without stopping. Difference between being in mid-50's to being in late 60's I guess.


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