Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Indy -- Three Years Later


We got Indy kinda by luck.  Sister Sandy had seen this dog on Nextdoor around 10 am on July 4th.  Showed picture to me, and we showed picture to Marcia, and the order was given...."Go Get Her, I (we) Want That Dog!"

Look at what now I see as fear in her eyes.  Confused, she walked around the backyard with her tail under butt for the first 36-48 hours.  The 4th of July noise did not seem to phase her...probably because she was so very scared already.

She started to calm down, and by the night of the 5th she got a good night sleep...she bonded with me first, and her tail started to stand up in the air, an occasional wag of her tail, and her morning and afternoon treats from Arny and Sandy began.  She started to growl when I held her at anyone who came toward us...she still does this to this day for people she does not know, and sometimes for those who she does know.

Another thing that helped her was that Bubba was still with us for her first 3 months or so.  Look at the difference in her looks after being groomed, and having been with us for 2 weeks!  

And our travels began...  Now she is our only dog, bonded with both Marcia and I extremely well, and has a special bond with Sandy and Arny and other relatives.  She LOVES her cousin Parker, her special boy dog friend Jack who lives next to Sandy and Arny, and just about any other dog she comes across.

Above are a couple of more recent pictures of Indy.  She is such an important part of our lives.  

So tonight there will be a HUGE celebration in honor of our country ... and to us, in honor of our little Indy.  And how will Indy handle it? 

She will be higher than a kite!  She is a VERY sensitive dog when it comes to loud bangs, and other loud noises.  This is the first year we are trying ThunderWunder for the 4th, but we initially tried it out this past New Years Eve.  I gave her one at 10 am, will give another around 7 pm, and another around 10 pm...maybe 11 pm.  We hold her, wrap her in our blankets, but the next large BANG brings her back to being a terrorized dog.  

Hope YOU ALL enjoy your 4th of July.

Note:  Mom is doing well at the "Home".  We feel so much better knowing that she is getting good care, she is still close to Sandy and Patti, and her overall mental attitude is so much better.  She is getting up for breakfast each day since she has been there except for one.  She came over to Sandy and Arny's house last Sunday for a Lamb dinner.  And she is looking forward to being at baby Addie's first birthday party.


  1. Indy is truly a special gift. Just as you are to her. I think a responsible parent would take the human weight equivalent of ThunderWunder to see how it might affect her.
    Good to read your mom is doing well!

    1. After doing the calculations, I would need about five containers of ThunderWunders to meet your hypothetical supposition ... but when I use to be a closet gardener I can tell you "I" would feel no pain, and probably think that there was some sort of weird thunder storm passing over...

  2. Hahaha Jim's comment .. It's funny how some dogs are bothered. Miss Jessie used to hide under the covers and shake. Cooper could care less. Indy hit the lottery when she found you two. I'm so glad she's got a good home!! Hope the fireworks aren't too hard on her. Also happy to hear your Mom is doing so well. That's a big relief!!

    1. I wish I can say that ThunderWunder helped Indy...it did not hurt, but she sure was scared...especially when these three or four sticks of what seemed to be dynamite went off right over the motorhome. Seriously, one of them was so close both Marcia and I commented how we felt the shockwave in our feet and back...don't know what the heck it was, but it was loud enough to make us change our depends!


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