Friday, August 16, 2024

Prolong Stays in a Camper Van


Our fourth motorhome, this time a Camper Van, in my Sister's backyard.  Our two Class C's needed wooden ramps to get up over the curb as we drove up the driveway, but thank goodness, the Camper Van does not.  The first three needed a "Blue Boy", which is slang for Black and Gray Water Waste tank that is on wheels and can be taken to the nearest dumping outlet (which at Sister's House is on the other side of the house from where we park).  So far we are driving to a dump station every four days as we take care of other business (shopping, visiting mom, laundry, etc).  Which brings up my next point, without a car, the Camper Van becomes our main and only form of transportation for all three of us, but I have borrowed Brother-in-Law Arny's Toyota Truck a few times to get dinner or go to the store.  It would take us about ten minutes to get ready and pull out onto the street if we needed/wanted to hurry...about the same to set up again once we are back.

Here is something I thought of on our way to visit mom in the "Old People's Home".  Put her in her Wheelchair, brought her out next to the sliding door, put out the awning, swung Marcia's chair around so she and Mom could see each other, and I used Marcia's Walker to sit on.  Nice pleasant breeze, and we all have a nice visit without Marcia having to expend energy to get out, and back in, the Camper Van.  Speaking of which, Marcia can get in and out of the Camper Van all on her own, something she has not been able to do since we got rid of our Class A back in 2013.  It still is a bit tiring, but gives her the freedom of not relying on me or others to assist her with getting in and out.

Sister Sandy turned us onto a new Restaurant, it is called Huckleberry's Breakfast & Lunch.  There are a number of them in the general Sacramento Area, and many are located in former Denny's and Perko's Cafes.  At this location in Roseville we are able to park in the ADA slot closest to the door, and I could watch Indy when she was in the front looking out and barking at people who approached.  With our generator going, the AC was on, so she was fine...I made sure to let the cashier know just in case someone complains about a dog in a hot vehicle.

So we have been here for three weeks now, and the only major upgrade we have added is 3" of bed topper and a Fluffy Mattress Cover Quilted Fitted Mattress Pad to put on top.  The beds as they came were very we are both sleeping so much better, it is very comfortable, and worth the nearly $200 complete price tag.  We only have the electric connected, and I fill up the water tank as needed.  We have used the dump station at the Chevron Station in Roseville (corner of Eureka and Rocky Ridge), and find that Fridays and especially Sundays are very busy...midweek not so much.  Been stuck behind a newbie one time and that was like sticking pins in your eyes...  Overall, staying for a prolong time period in the Camper Van is doable...not as easy as the past three motorhomes we have owned, but not overly hard.

Of course, I would be amiss if I did not talk about my lovely Granddaughter, who turned 2 last month.  Last time we arrived her and my son Michael were in the front yard and she was so happy to see the Camper Van drive up.  On our previous visit, she was at the window saying goodbye to Grandpa, and Michael said she even cried just a little bit.  Tomorrow we visit with them all again, which will be the last visit until September due to their busy schedules.  There is something about hearing the words "Grandpa" from our Grandchild that just warms your heart...

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Hurricane Debby Blew Through

Yep, Hurricane Debby blew right by our condo.  Technically, it was only a Tropical Storm while it went by our area, but when it was classified as a Hurricane, it was still dumping rain and blowing winds in Holiday Florida.

The storm dumped 8.5 inches or rain on our little community.  Roads flooded, some homes flooded (same areas that flood with every one of these storms), and no deaths in Pasco County, but at least four deaths in Florida.

I have five cameras pointed out five windows, two out front, two along the side, and one out back.  My primary purpose of the cameras is for watching what these storms do to our condo.  A bunch of wind...a whole lot of rain, and yet there were times of no or little rain allowing for the accumulated rains to drain off.

Talked to our lovely 88 year old neighbor next door, and she rode it out (as she has done all of these storms).  She said the lights flickered a time or two, and that was that.  So we dodged another Florida Hurricane...gotta wonder if our luck will ever run out.