
Sunday, November 4, 2018

And Then There Were Tornadoes…

Home in Holiday / Tarpon Springs area, FL

Storm Friday, November 2, 2018

This year we have faced…ICESNOWFIRESHURRICANES…and now this past Friday…TORNADOES.  Well, at least we missed the Earthquakes!

Storm Friday, November 2, 2018

As I have said in previous blogs, we have been watching side channels of local over-the-air channels…ones which don’t have political commercials, show older shows.  But on Friday I went to Google to look for something and WOW, there was a Tornado Warning for our area!  We had just heard a few distance thunder claps coming off the Gulf.  I turned to Fox-13 (I know, above says ABC, but they all had the same type of live graphic going), and sure enough, a huge storm hitting the coast from just below Tampa to about 20 miles north of us.  When it hit our area, it was strong…straight-line winds and rain, but in under 10 minutes, the storm had passed.  The actual tornado warnings were 10 miles to our south, and 10 miles to our northeast….with what I counted as six different warnings…

Storm Friday, November 2, 2018

The latest report that I saw had the actual tornado count at 4.  These tornadoes were short lived, unlike the ones I was use to in Arkansas which could go on for miles.  A EF-1 tornado touched down Friday afternoon in New Port Richey, around 10 miles to our north.  Tornadoes were also confirmed in Spring Hill, 30 miles to our north, Seminole , 30 miles to our south, and Land O'Lakes (20 miles to our east).

Storm Damage Friday, November 2, 2018    Storm Damage Friday, November 2, 2018

The pictures above are from a condo community in Seminole…their clubhouse took a pretty hard hit, and some condos were damaged too.  Thank goodness this was not our condo area!

image   Storm Damage Friday, November 2, 2018

Storm Damage Friday, November 2, 2018

Storm Damage Friday, November 2, 2018   Storm Damage Friday, November 2, 2018

There was widespread damage in various areas along the “RED ZONE” of the storm.  Fortunately, we have not heard of anyone that we know having any damage.

Bubba at Motorhome   Bubba at Dog Park

I wanted to make sure that the motorhome was ok, so I picked up Bubba, went by the motorhome (upper left picture Bubba is sitting in Marcia’s passenger’s seat), and then over to the Doggie Park (upper right, the person in blue is petting him) where there were more dogs than we have seen all year.  Bubba did his three or four laps slowly around the dog park, then he sniffed a few of the dogs, then did one last lap before we left.  He sure enjoys those Dog Park trips.  We sure wish the Condo Association would allow Bubba to live with us too….Sad smile

Note:  All but the last two pictures of the blog were taken from Google and most from news reports. 


  1. We use a number of aps to track severe weather,. I like the tornado app, which can keep track of your location and will alarm when a severe weather alert is issued for your area. Particularly helpful if the storm develops overnight. It will alert you and you can see the details of the issue.

    1. But one has to have a smart phone for that...we use dumb phones because I break phones real easy. Could put in on my Kindle probably, but it would have to be on to work, and it normally is not on. Having lived in Tornado country for 23 years, I kind of know when it is bad...but in the sprig of 2017 we got caught in one in Arkansas while in a Walmart Parking Lot. and

  2. We had a tornado or two here several years ago. I've taken to watching the earthquake app for tsunami warnings on the Washington Oregon coasts. It's amazing how many earthquakes there are every single day.

    1. Thirty plus years in Sacramento and no tornadoes...then they have had a few these past thirty plus years...strange stuff

  3. I said years ago I would never live in OK. Every time we were there it seemed there were tornadoes around. So where did we settle? North Alabama ... tornado alley. Goggle our town Cullman Al 2011 Tornado to give you an idea. I've sort of gotten used to the warnings that come over our phone. We head to the basement where we have supplies.

    I've been thru hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes. I say only thing missing is a volcano.

    1. You are right...Oklahoma is not for me...seen the results of half mile wide tornadoes and don't want anything to do with them.

  4. Tornados are one of the scarist things as you have no control over the situation whatsoever.

    1. Yes, that and a wife who is mad at you because you said something wrong! LOL


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