
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

I Can Blog Again…because the Florida Election is OVER

Home in Holiday / Tarpon Springs area, FL

Florida Election

We voted two weeks ago today…well, actually Marcia and I pre-voted, but election day was on the 6th.  What looked like everything was going to go along smooth and easy…by Wednesday night we knew things had taken a turn for the worse.  And when I say “turn for the worse”, I am describing for a smooth, everyone agrees the outcome, Florida election.  That, just was not going to be…

Florida is cut off

When it comes to elections, I am sure some of America just wishes we would go away.  They love our beaches, our winter weather, our miles and miles of ocean and gulf views, and even Mickey and his friends over in Orlando…and I can’t forget the Oranges.  But when it comes to easy, peaceful, orderly elections…NOT TO BE.


In the end…it is still part of America, and Florida is not the only place having election problems, but it is now time to celebrate that it is all over for another two years.  Today the State certified the election is finally OVER.

Fisher Paykel Dishwasher

In the meantime…our dishwasher sprung a leak.  It is the standard, Kenmore dishwasher, 12 years old.  Marcia LOVES the Fisher Paykel Drawer Dishwashers sold by Lowes (among other places).  Our washer and dryer are Fisher Paykel…the dryer opens on the top much like a standard washer does.  Much easier for someone with MS to get clothes in and out of.  Well, the drawer dishwasher is much easier too.  At twice the amount of a standard good dishwasher one thing about the duel drawer dishwasher is that you can load and run one drawer at a time…and boy is it quiet.  Tomorrow the install guy is coming by to look things over, and in a week to ten days, it should be installed.  The price is about $200 lower than it was a couple of months ago, but the sales person at Lowes promised me that it is not part of the week long Black Friday special they are running.  Yea, 40% off would have been nice…

LED light

Yesterday our fluorescent light in the kitchen went out.  It is a 48” duel fixture.  I thought it just needed lightbulbs, but it turns out it was the ballast.  A new ballast is $22, and “might” fix it…a new 42” LED is $39 and if it did not work, I can take it back.  Well, that is what I did this morning…bought a new LED light fixture and installed it.  Getting the heavy old fluorescent down was harder than getting the light LED up…but it took longer to install than it was to take down the old one.  I think the weight difference is probably a factor of three…  As for the lighting, this is a bite whiter and brighter, and will use 1/2 the electricity as the fluorescent one.


Hope you all have a wonderful THANKSGIVING, and if you are with family…lots of family…it is best to not talk politics.  Yes, laugh at “those crazy Floridians”, but keep it civil, enjoy your family and friends…you never know when it will be your or their last Thanksgiving, last family get together.  Just have an enjoyable weekend.


  1. Bugs Buggy should have headed a little north to include Georgia when he was sawing off the State of Florida. Their Governor’s race was finally decided about the same time as Florida was getting her election results. There’s got to be a better way. BTW, nice dishwasher.

  2. I LOVE that dishwasher! Need one at the Arizona house. Going online to check it out!! I try to stay out of politics as much as possible. By the way, just what DID they do with all those boxes of Democratic votes they found??????????? Sorry, couldn't help myself!!

    1. Sticker Shock when you see the price! But well worth it for her condition, that is for sure.

  3. Will be spending the day with Lens son and family who lives 20 miles from us. Luckily they are of the same persuasion politically as we are. Now if it was with my daughter up in MD that could get touchy. Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. It is unfortunate that people are so divided over political parties, and many times over false beliefs of one side or the other.

  4. I say do away with Gerrymandering! Let all citizens vote no matter where or whom they are....sheesh I thought we lived in demoncracy. Anyway, I'm glad those that did vote, voted. It's everyone's constitutional right to vote. Have a wonderful thanksgiving all.

    1. All legal/qualified-to-vote citizens, yes. Illegals, no. I have no rights in their country; can’t step across their country’s border lines, have a baby and get benefits for the child and me until they’re thru college; they won’t let me vote in their elections so why should they be able to do it here?

  5. 11/23/2018: Happy Birthday, Dave. Have a good one.

    1. Thank you...just another day and more things sore than the previous year. lol

  6. We had our own FL hitch, they gave us the form for the wrong district and we had to tell them thier mistake via email. The good part was we went back and they fixed the issue...GEE

    1. Glad they were able to fix it. Seems most counties do a good is just a couple of them...


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