Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Seeing Friend in Phoenix, and on to Sharp Creek NF Campground ... in the RAIN!!!


We ALWAYS enjoy our nearly yearly visit to Phoenix to see Laurie.  Marcia has known Laurie since Laurie was around 12, and she is...NOPE, not going to give it away!  She treated us to Lunch today, after we all had a good visit at her house.  Until next time dear friend...

After a fill up of gas at Walmart, off we traveled through Fountain Hills and up the Beeline Highway to Payson.  In Payson we decided to travel east on Highway 260 to Sharp Creek NF Campground.

I love traveling a new highway in the mountains, and was very glad to see TREES once we started east toward the campground.

Prior to Payson, the clouds made for some interesting pictures as sun hit some of the hills, and lack of sun covers up the rest.

There was little traffic, and the climb to 5,000 feet was smooth.

We come around a corner and see this Wall of Rain ahead...with a faint sign of a Rainbow.

And after many attempts, we (Marcia) gets this shot which, if you look close, is a double rainbow.  Rain came and went, as did the rainbow(s). 

I did not get any pics of the campground, but let's just say it is the typical National Forest Campground.  However...when you do the self pay, it is on a machine which takes credit and debit cards.  That was slick!  Later, a camp host came by and collected their half of the receipt, and placed a Reserved Sign in front of the camping spot.  Like other NF Campgrounds, there are no services outside of the outhouse and some water spouts.  Verizon Internet is excellent.  Generators need to be off by 10 pm, which is an hour from now, so I have to wrap this up.




  1. I'm curious what your nighttime temps will be. Walls of water are normal in Arizona .... crazy to drive through though! GREAT picture Marcia!!!

    1. Temps were in mid 50's. Our heater kicked on, but you can hardly hear it...wish AC's were so quiet.

  2. Glad you aren't running in to too many obstacles on the way home.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

  3. Nice photos! I love traveling on new highways too. Have a good trip home!

    1. Yes, and you all seem to be good about taking advantage of the roads less traveled


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