
Monday, July 20, 2020

Indy Groomed and Vaccinated and Happy As Could Be

WHO the HECK is THIS?  That CAN'T be our little hairy Indy, can it????  Yep, that is her, on the way home from the groomer today (Sunday).  Last Friday (a week ago Friday) I took her to the Vet.  She had her vaccination shots, de-worming (just in case), Heartworm Test and 6 month Heartworm shot (because that is important to have in Florida).  Since she seemed to be going into Heat, we decided to have her Spayed in Florida. 

The Vet said she is probably closer to 8 months old, and not 6 months like we initially thought.  She said she is a mix breed with some Terrier, some Yorkshire, and other 'stuff'.  In looking at pictures on the Internet, I think she is close to a Yorkie Maltese Terrier mix, also known as a Morkie.  However, a Morkie is typically around 7-8 pounds, and Indy is already at 10 pounds, and not an ounce of fat on she might have more Terrier in her than a typical Morkie.  But in doing a google image search for a "Morkie" there are a few which look just like her.

We don't think she ever had a haircut.  Her hair is very fluffy, very fine, very soft.  It was hard to even decide to cut her, she looked so 'cute' and 'cuddly' with her long fluffy hair.

She loves to roll on her back, and she likes her belly rubbed, especially by her daddy.  She is definitely another "Daddy's Girl" dog.  😍

Look at how much hair there was as I grabbed it as close to the skin as I could get.


Now she looks so thin and tiny...more like the 10 pounds that she is.  With this hot weather, I am sure she will enjoy it.

Of course, if Uncle Arny keeps feeding her all those "Arny Treats", she will bloom way out like her daddy!  Honestly, Sandy and Arny give very little treats, but they make a big ordeal over it when they do.  Now with Bubba, that's a whole another story...but he sure isn't bursting out of his seems, that's for sure.  Speaking of Bubba, I groomed him on Friday.

It took Indy about a week to get use to getting her Arny Treat first thing every morning.  I cooked up a batch of Pork, and that did the she is on some chicken strip treat which comes out of a bag.  Here she was wondering if there might be another treat in store from the nice couple who lives next to us

It is going to be different not seeing all that hair.  Amazingly, she did not shed at all!  That is definitely going to be nice.  I also bought her a blue collar, and we will use the vest when she is playing "service dog" once we get home to is perfect to attach the cell phone to so that if Marcia falls, Indy will be there to rescue her from the ground.


  1. Indy is adorable. I'm so glad she decided to adopt you. (I always believe pets adopt pet parents, not the other way around.) She looks to me like a Morkie.

    1. Yes, I agree with you so much. Skruffy "owned" me in less than 15 minutes. Indy came from a loving home which, due to a move, could not have a dog anymore...but in just a couple of days "owns" me now too. She is a doll...

  2. Oh Indy, you are just the cutest!! But Bubba is the most handsome!!! What a big difference. I'm sure she will appreciate the "cool". She sure looks happy to me!!!

    1. Could not believe the difference myself! Would have had her cut earlier but Sunday was the earliest date I could get in these "COVID" times.

  3. Indy is adjusting well to her new home because of the Love she is given. The haircut makes her look younger. Certain she appreciates the cooler cut.
    Be Safe and Enjoy!

    It's about time.

    1. I totally agree about how young she looks now. And the love goes both ways...she is a very loving little girl.

  4. I just started following your blog so this is probably my first comment. Indy is beautiful. You are so blessed to have each other.


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