
Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Sisters Visit, Uncle Passes Away, Indy (Doggie) Update

On Monday Mom and I drove down to Escalon (near Modesto) to visit her sister Mary, who is about 20 months older than mom.  Cousin Debby lives right next door and we saw her too.  The bad news was given to us that just that morning Uncle Jim (Mary's husband, Debby's father) was in the hospital with Covid / Pneumonia / Alzheimer's.  He has been living in a special senior living facility for Alzheimer's patients, and that is where he contracted the Covid.  Well, we found out this evening that Uncle Jim passed away.  Since he did not know anyone anymore, it truly is a blessing, but it does not mean that it is easy to take.  He was a very nice, kind man.  I enjoyed listening to mom and Mary talk about old times...brothers, sisters, family stuff.  They really enjoyed their time together.  In a few months Mary and Debbie will be moving into a house in Elk Grove next to Debbie's daughter, which will make visiting with them much easier.

Little Indy is doing just great.  It is never easy for a dog to change families, and we worried about her first night with us on July 4th with it being loud and hectic...but she handled it without any problems at all.

She enjoys sleeping on Marcia's reclining chair (in the upright position) with her doggie bed (handed down from Skruffy), especially if I am in my chair right next to it.  It took three full days before we felt comfortable letting her have the run of the backyard, but on Tuesday we took her off leash and now she has explored the entire yard, and the garage, and has been willing to come back into the motorhome with very little coaxing.  She comes to me when I whistle and call her name, and she is slowly getting used to her new name "Indy".  Her and Bubba have bonded well, as have she with Marcia and I.  She is starting to get use to Arny and Sandy and Mom too.

Last night she rolled on her back while sleeping and I rubbed her belly...that was the second night she did that. She will sleep for a little while in our bed, but eventually she jumps down and returns to the chair.  Today, when I left for a bit, Marcia was taking a nap, and she jumped up on the bed all on her own (without coaxing).  This morning when I got up at 6:20 she was in the living area, two toys sitting on the carpet that were not there earlier, and her little tail just wagged and wagged.  So the transition from one loving home to another is going very well.

Friday is Veterinary Day, and with that we will be making a followup appointment to get her fixed, and also set a day for her first grooming.  I gave her a bath today and she did not struggle with it at all, but did not like it when I cut some of her hair in her rear area on Monday, hence, a groomer instead of me at first.  Looking forward to finding out what breed they think she is, our guess is a Yorkshire mix.


  1. Sorry for the loss of your uncle Jim but like you also said with him not being able to remember anyone it is a blessing in disguise.
    Indy has definitely adapted well to her new family.
    Be Safe and Enjoy the family visit.

    It's about time.

    1. Just so happened that we got Indy on July 4th, and that was Uncle Jim's Birthday...we will miss him, we will love little Indy.

  2. Oh gosh ... it's always so sad to lose family members.
    Little Indy sure is a cutie!! Rolling on her back for a belly rub is certainly a sign she likes her new family!!

    1. Each day she gets more and more acclimated to her new surroundings, starting to become a bit possessive and has snarled at Bubba once or twice over Bubba's dog bed. It will all work out.


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