
Friday, January 23, 2015

Not much going on


Marcia and I went to our favorite Greek restaurant tonight, Mama Maria’s in Tarpon Springs.  Ran into our real estate lady, Sarah, her husband Denise, their daughter Colleen and her son Joaquin.  Sarah is a faithful blog reader, and reminded me that I had not posted a blog lately….so here it is.

michael and mama

Found this picture on the web of Mama Maria and her son Michael (Makis in Greek ).  Both were there tonight, as busy as could be because they had a funeral dinner, known as a Makaria,  being held there…..a group of twenty turned into a group of sixty….as Michael said to me, “The Greeks sometimes don’t plan too well.”  Marcia says, “They just don’t know how to count.”  Not sure who died, most of the people were from out-of-town, heard a lot of “That was some good food” remarks from those in attendance.

Issue: Rolling Ratings 2011<br />Story: Toilets<br />Product: American Standard<br />Model: Clean 2514.101<br />CU: 06533-0002<br />Purpose: ID<br />Photographer: John Powers   toilet1

Installed two toilets in the Condo since my last post.  The ones we had were very low, about 14” in height, which is very hard for Marcia to get up off of.  These ones are 17.5” high, which really makes a difference.  Replacing toilets is never a fun job, but it went just fine.  The one on the left is in our “guest” bathroom, while the one on the right is in our cramped shower/head room attached to our long sink area leading from the bedroom.  

Had a few things to order from Amazon, items we routinely order, but to get the “good price” and quantities, you have to be a Amazon Prime member….so after putting it off and putting it off, we are now Prime Members, and since Prime members can read some free books, and view some free movies, etc., I just had to order a Kindle Fire HDX…for each of us.   Somehow Marcia thought I was just getting one, and after I placed the order she said, “Well, you will probably be using it more than me….”, and was very surprised when I told her I ordered two of them.  Since we are not I-phone or Drone phone users, the Kindle Fire will provide us some of that which we are missing.  Also I have been archiving our pictures with Amazon through the Prime Membership too....unlimited number of photos, and up to 5 gigs for other things as part of our just takes forever to load them all....and I have to have free WiFi or it will eat up our aircard limit real quick.

ice2    ice1

Also ordered two sets of these Frostfire Solar Ice Rocks - Path and garden solar lights which were highly recommended by a few of the blogs which I follow.  This will help to light up the pathway from the car to the motorhome when we are parked, and since they are solar powered and no connecting wires, and they take up very little space in the storage bin.  


Gave Skruffy a hair cut yesterday, and Bubba will get his real soon.  They have been to the Vet, and the vet said that Skruffy needed to loose a little (who doesn’t), and took her by another vet where I get her licensed (different county than Bubba) and she already lost a pound….three more to go.

hobbit    unbroken

We also saw a couple of movies.  We saw Hobbit 3 with Alissa (Marcia’s granddaughter) and on Tuesday we saw Unbroken with Skruffy….her second movie.  We enjoyed both movies, and the story line of Unbroken is remarkable.

Other than a few doctor’s visits, and ordering new glasses….stuff we do each winter for Marcia while we are here, we are generally getting prepared for a April 1st launch to head west.  Plans hopefully include a visit to my oldest brother Jim and his wife Carol in San Antonio (if they are there and don’t have plans already), our friend Joyce and her daughter Laurie in the Phoenix area, a trip to Yuma so that I can get glasses south of the boarder, and eventually up to Sacramento in time for mom’s birthday (we hope).  Son graduates from Cal Berkeley in mid-May and then off to the north.

I’m thinking that between now and April we will take another trip to the east coast to visit Dean and Carol again, and one or two or three state parks or RV parks just to get away.


  1. As a librarian, I hope you read Unbroken first!! John and I decided to forgo the movie since the book was so amazing. We knew there was no way the movie could close to what the story was. Definitely, one of my favorite books in a long time.

    1. Ok, I'm busted....never got to the book, perhaps the Kindle will help that. But talking to those who read the book and saw the movie, they liked both, but the book goes more in depth. It was not easy seeing the torture this guy went through.....and to think that this type of torture was being given out to many of the Allied prisoners on both fronts. God bless our WW2 servicemen, I hope we NEVER forget.


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