
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Can Fire Strike Twice?


Yes, Fire can strike twice…after last year’s RV Storage Fire you would think that was enough for us.  WOW, how sad……if it was true….but I am not talking about a motorhome fire, or a condo fire, or anything to do with flames at all.  For those FEW people who read my last blog, YOU should already know what I am talking about.  If you have not read it, you can click on the link above (last blog) or ….just scroll down.





I am talking about our two new Kindle Fires!!!!  They came in today!!!!!!   I know, I know … some of you have to take a deep breath now, thinking that we got “burned again”.  After last year’s RV Storage Park fire, we are hoping that type of “lightning” doesn’t strike twice.  Since my last blog posting was titled, “Not much going on”, the marking major that I am knows that this type of title is not going to get much of response.  HOWEVER, a title like, “Can Fire Strike Twice”, well, I think we will get many more hits this time.   And besides, I can be a little devious sometimes, and it shows now and then in my writing. Open-mouthed smile


Speaking of being devious, these next two pictures are for my relatives in California that have tried, and love, Marcia’s Sausage, Egg, Grits casserole…or as she calls it, “Just Grits”.  Above is a picture of it right before it went into the oven, and there you can see some of the Cholula sauce that Sandy and Arny provided to use for Christmas.  (well, actually, this is still the old jar, but it is getting down there and then we will start using the Christmas batch.)


Here it is an little over an hour later, all cooked and ready to eat….except she promised the ladies at church that she would bring them Sunday morning for the monthly “missionary fundraiser breakfast” we have each month….so chances are, even I won’t get any this time.  Crying face


But I did get to help make it, and help clean up the mess.  All of this “after” we had dinner at Panera Breads because earlier today our sink backed up….and $200 later and two snake runs the clog finally went down the main line and into the sewer.  Just years of build-up in the pipes, and a bit more “stuff” going down the drain with the new disposal. 
Glad I didn’t get a snake and try and do this myself because the guys from “The Drain Team” (a father and son combo) were wonderful.  They tried the basic snake that you can get at Home Depot and attach to a drill, and they punched a hole in it, but it still was not draining to their satisfaction…and brought out a larger snake with a curved bit on it, and took care of it once and for all.  That put us back so much that I didn’t even turn the Kindle’s on until late this evening….and that’s when the idea struck me about the title.  Now you have some insight to how this devious mind works some times. I think it was Flip Wilson who use to say, "The Devil Made Me Do It!"  Angry smile


  1. I was glad that there wasn't another fire that would end your RVing for a while, again! Hallelujah! Thank you for the chuckle! Blessings, Lynn

  2. My heart pounded a little harder when I saw the headline! Thanks for the giggle and grats on your kindle 'fire's! :) The reminder of Flip Wilson brought a lot of laughs also! Have fun today exploring....

    1. Had a hard time keeping my attention in church....we have the bible downloaded to the Kindle, but with so much to learn I am not sure how much I was reading and following compared to learning (or was it games on it, but I consider leaning computer stuff like it is a game).

  3. I did read yesterday's blog about the Kindles, but your title did really get me. Glad it wasn't a real fire.

    1. Yep, I wondered if that might happen....haven't heard from my mom yet, she is probably mad that I worried her for a few seconds

  4. Enjoy your Kindle Fire's!! Sure makes carrying your book with you so much easier and perfect for the road and your Alaska trip!!

    1. So far very pleased...already downloaded some Blake Shelton and some Mercy Me songs. Still learning all it can do.


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