
Friday, September 26, 2014

Mesa Verde RV Park (resort!), near Cortez, Colorado


On our way south-east from Moab to Cortez, we came upon the Wilson Arch, on the east side of Utah Highway 191. Yes, that is a person smack in the middle of the arch.


Marcia felt we had not had enough religion in our life, so we had to stop at “The Rock”……well, ok, so it really is The Hole N” The Rock, a home, and a gift shop, and a zoo, and who knows what else…the only reason I left the link is because how I wrote it is how they write it…otherwise my family will say “Hey Dave, you misspelled that!!!!”  And NO, we did not stop, didn’t even slow down.


The red rock of Utah starts to fade away….


We see the last mountain range in Utah…


And we enter Colorado….


And the landscape is looking just a bit different…..

3a    3c

We are at the Mesa Verde RV Resort just east of Cortez, Colorado.  Again, a place that calls itself a resort when it is just another RV Park.  I like the park, the space between RVs is ok, with LOTS of trees, patches of grass, and we just happened to hit when a Winnebago Group were scheduled, so we will not have sewer for two nights, then we move to a full hookup.  


Weekly rate is buy 6 days get the 7th free.  So we paid for 2 nights at partial hookup, 3 nights full summer rate, 1 night winter rate, 1 for free.  Total cost, with tax, just under $210.  It is 1/2 mile from the entrance to Mesa Verde National Park.


We do have some views of the mountains….this is what it looks outside or house door.  But wait, what is that???


Now that can’t be good for our plans… forecast calls for some rain on Saturday, especially Saturday evening and night.  Possibility of storms tonight and Sunday night….looks like Saturday (tomorrow) is going to be laundry day.

 But it sure looks good from afar as the sun goes down!  (this is looking east)


  1. Thanks...11 pm and no rain yet, probably going to hit on Saturday.

  2. We haven't had any rain yet here in Moab either and it's Saturday afternoon!
    We missed Mesa Verde last year...looking forward to your photos!

    1. Today (Saturday) became laundry day....Mesa Verde will need to wait until Monday, looks like the rain will be here later tonight and tomorrow.

  3. Mesa Verde was on our list, but not to be. I'll be happy to go along with you two. We've stayed in a lot of RV "Resorts" and have yet to stay in anything I would actually call a "resort". What's with that anyway? Like every college is now a "university" whether they have graduate programs or not I guess.

    1. Interesting analogy of RV Parks and Colleges...I'll have to remember that one. Will be visiting Mesa Verde on Monday, doubt I can get it posted until late since their normally good Internet at this "resort" slows down each night

  4. Rv resort $ an't nothing but a word in most places. Like campground better.Mesa Verde is a very interesting place made a fast stop there in 2009 on our way to grand canyon. won't to get back some day and explore taking my time can't wait for the pics !

    1. It definitely is a spot to come back to....I wouldn't mind coming back in early spring with a little snow up there on those mountains and cliffs, that would be real neat.


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