
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Laundry, Rain, Birthday Girl


Ok, you don’t need to see the laundry….but look at this coming in over Mesa Verde around 5 pm last night.  “Did it rain?”,  you asked.  Let’s just say that once it started raining around 7, it pretty much did not stop until 10 am this morning.  And the few times it did stop, it was for only 15-30 minutes, enough to get the dogs out before bedtime …although one little girl insisted on going out again around 1:30, thank goodness she does not do that very often.  She is so afraid of Lightening and Thunder that it probably scared the sh—, err, skata out of her.  And of course if she goes out, Bubba wants out too…one at a time while I stood at the door with a flashlight.


The clouds coming in sure made for some dramatic landscape.  Maybe that’s why this is a RV resort…it comes with dramatic landscape.

2a    2b

Speaking of drama….this morning we got up, and no television stations....found out later that the local retransmission stations must of had direct hits from the lightening. This morning we also “got” to move to a full hookup spot now that the Winnie Group has left….they brought in around 20 RV’s into this small RV Resort, err, park.  Got hooked up at the new place, but we had NO ELECTRICITY!!!!   The Surge Guard said that we had good power, but when tested the female end of the yellow electrical line in the upper right picture (which is not plugged into the motorhome), it said we had 45v, not the 118v the Surge Guard said we did.  I remember showing the male end of the yellow cord to Arny a few months ago and we thought it was on its last leg….but I sure thought it would have made it to Florida.  So I took a trip to Cortez to see if I could get a new plug.  On my way there I started going through my mind what might have caused this...and it hit me. When wrapping up the cord for the move, I put it on a picnic table and started wind around my arm, and the male end of the cord went crashing down to the rocks under the table and I thought, "Gee, that can't be good....", but never did even look at it since it was not a severe fall.  But for a 10 year power cord, it was severe enough...and it must have landed on right on one of the metal prongs because it was bent when I tried to plug it in after our move.  Walmart had a 15 amp plug, which would do in a pinch but not good for full 30amp use…but I asked if there was hardware store around.  Sure enough, True Value was less than 2 miles away (which is good because the entire town of Cortez is like 3 miles in length and I was 1/2 mile into town to get to Wally World.


Sure enough, True Value came through.  For $12 I picked up this 30amp black connector, which is now attached to the yellow wire and plugged into the black female end of the Surge Guard. WE HAVE POWER!


Someone is having a birthday today….might be that little black thing in Marcia’s chair, but we don’t know what her birthday is since she was rescued off the streets.  In fact, there is a slight possibility, however very very very slight, that she is older in dog years than Marcia is in human years.  We just got back from Marcia’s birthday dinner when I asked her for the camera for more pictures… her!  On the way back from the hardware store I spotted a place called the Main Street Brewery and Restaurant.  After I got the power up and going, we up and went back to Cortez to get a bite to eat, and the food was real good.  It was only 3:30 on a Sunday, so there were few people, it was quiet, and they had interesting décor.  She had a Ribeye steak, I had something they call the Brewers Plate, which has three different types of Sausages, Sauerkraut, Mashed Potatoes, and a homemade mustard.  It was delicious!  

5a     5b

Earlier before we moved, I took the covers off the front windows.
5c     5d

As you can see, one was more interested in looking out than the other.  But look at the front window in front of Skruffy….the rain was still coming down and down.  

6a     6b

From 11 am until 5 pm we had relatively little rain…then I took these pictures around 4:30….and another cloud burst went through from 5-7.  Hope tomorrow is dry enough to get to Mesa Verde.  Oh, nearly forgot….on the way back from Cortez we can see snow on the tops of the mountains to the east, northeast of us!  Hope that does not last long….


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Marcia! Glad you got to go out for a birthday dinner without being drowned although I think I like Dave's dinner best. Sounds delicious!

  2. Marcia said thanks, and she said that she just had to try their Ribeye.


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