
Saturday, July 26, 2014

Naked Lady Outside Our Door


We just can’t have this!  The neighborhood is going to … let’s just say “H”!!!!  I guess we are just going to have leave pretty soon…nothing we can do about it.  Arny and Sandy say that her name is Belladonna, ‘Bell’ for short.


Even the dogs are mesmerized by it.  If you look close, you can see the reflection of “Bell” in the window….if you dare to look.


There she is….Belladonna Lily, aka, Naked Lady.  She “pops out” [pun attended] every year around now…along with a few of her friends.


The Amaryllis belladonna is a native of South Africa.  When we arrived a few months ago, they looked like any other lily plant, but without flowers.  The green plant died off a few weeks ago, and about a week ago the flower stem popped up out of the ground, and today the first flower bloomed.  They are known as a “Naked Lady” because there is just the stem with the flower on the top.


Here it is a few days ago, and you can see another stem coming out of the ground next to it.  It sure is an interesting flower/plant.


As for Bubba and Skruffy….they don’t care about the “Naked Lady Plant”, they were just waiting for the drapes to open showing the sign that Arny and Sandy were up.  It was Friday morning, and Sandy only works Monday through Thursday during the summer.  Although they are up well before 5 am when she works, on the weekend she gets to sleep in some….this day was one of those days.

3a     3b

One thing these pups do care about is beef bones.  Last night Marcia and I went to Claim Jumper, and I ordered a combo plate which included two big beef ribs.  To say they were happy when we got home is a understatement.  


Today this dog shows up. Hard to tell it is the same dog chewing on that bone above..but it is Bubba, fresh off a new hairdo. 
On Monday I ordered this Andis 2-Speed Pet Clipper with No.10 Blade.  The Andis clippers we already owned is fine for Skruffy, but Bubba’s hair is so thick.  The new clippers came in Friday, and I braved the 100+ temps today to give Bubba a long overdue hair cut.  I love these new clippers….went right through his hair with ease. 


  1. LOL at your title and then the story. Really great! Bet Bubba feels like a real cool dog now.

  2. Yes, I am thinking the title will probably bring some traffic looking for something else....naughty to them. LOL Bubba does not like going through a hair cut, but he sure enjoys it after it is done. It hit 106 today, so I think he really appreciated it.

  3. Oh, the Naked Ladies reminded me of my childhood. We lived on a very small chicken ranch with a small fruit orchard in Campbell, CA, where my dad, who had retired from the Army, was the Post Master. There was a nice horseshoe shaped driveway and along its entire edge were Naked Ladies. It was fun to wait for them and enjoy them while they bloomed. And, there were so many of them that Mom was able to pick lots of them for display on the dining room table. A fun memory!
    I love Bubba's cool haircut. You know Dave, before I left on my trip last summer, I purchased all the necessary clippers and paraphernalia and have NEVER used it to groom Lacy!!!!

    1. I cut Bubba about five weeks can see how fast his hair grows. I cut Skruffy this past Monday, but decided to get new clippers for Bubba due to his thick hair. I have been keeping them cut for nearly two years now, saved a bunch of $$$$$ despite buying clippers.

  4. Catchy title and start to the post!!!! What a strange plant!

    1. I remember seeing the flower last year, but I don't think I blogged about it. Figured the title would catch the eye of a few, that's for sure.

  5. You're going to attract a lot of people who Google ' naked lady'.Funny title and good job with the new clippers.

    1. Yes, already had one comment that I had to delete...after three days the comments become moderated so it won't be a long-term issue. Spammers will hit no matter what the subject line is.....


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