
Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July Rain & Both Chairs Are In


The chart above shows the average rainfall that Sacramento receives each month.  As you can see, July typically has no rain, while June and August have very little.  So we were all surprised with the “little” rain that we received Sunday morning through Monday morning.  Well, there was rain, it amounted to .02 of an inch….still, rain in July in Sacramento, it just doesn’t happen very often.  The forecast is a 50% chance of more rain over the next few days...we will see.

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Now in Arkansas, where I lived for over 22 years, and in Florida, where I have lived for over 2 years, it rains every month.  But both are very hot and muggy during the summer….here in Sacramento area it is just hot, but cools down just about every month due to what they now call the “Delta Breeze”.  


Now when I was a kid and into my early 30’s I don’t recall ever hearing the term “Delta Breeze”.  Kind of like the “polar vortex” it is one of those “Weather Terms” to draw interest to, what else, the weather.  A look in Wikipedia and you see that the Polar Vortex has been known since the mid-1800’s.  The term Delta Breeze is not even in there under its own heading.  Now I know that there was a cool breeze just about every summer night when I was younger…and they called it various things such as “Sea Breeze”, “Breeze from the Pacific”, etc. etc.   Don’t know when everyone took up the term “Delta Breeze”, but it is a term you hear every summer night on every nightly weather report.


Getting the couch out was a small chore….of course, Arny helped, or I helped Arny would be the better way to say it.  With his tools and expertise, we had it out in an hour, and put back together again in about 15 minutes.  After we got it back together again we moved it just a small ways, and we were both surprised how heavy it was.  The chairs made it through the door without a problem.  Of course, one thing we “RVers” like about La-Z-Boy recliners is that the backs come off making them easy to fit through motorhome, 5th wheel and trailer doors.


We both have these slick TV style laptop trays, which also double for an eating table.  Yes, there is a large table we could put up, but it is not as friendly as these movable trays are.  And the trays fold up quick for travel…we just lay them along the side of the bed or on the bed .  The other good thing is that we will be able to store some stuff back behind the chairs, which will be a nice feature.


Skruffy just wants to know where Bubba and Mom are going to sit??????


  1. I love your new recliners! Awesome job!

    1. Thanks. It will be nice to be able to put our feet up whenever we want, that's for sure.

  2. They seem to really be trying to snazz up the weather it's true. It used to be only hurricanes had names now every storm seems to have a name. Really like your chairs. I was wondering how you got that sofa out and what you did with it. I know they are terribly heavy.

    1. I forgot to say that my sisters are having a yard sale in a couple of weeks...something they do once a year or so. Hope to get rid of it through the sale....fingers crossed.

  3. Those chairs look nice and comfy. Good job.

  4. Hi Dave and Marcia:
    I really like the Lazy Boy chairs; they're unique looking for Lazy Boys but I'm sure they have all the positives built in. Very comfortable looking and space-conscious to boot. I'm still in Redding but will be down there for a couple of appointments towards the end of next week. I'll give shout if I have a chance and maybe we could meet for a culpa' or something. hope all is well with Mom and Pop - I loved the relaxed photo of the two a couple of weeks ago!
    I'm staying in my sixte-in-law's house and missing my RV with all my own "stuff." I may drive it here from Cottonwood, mainly to have it nearby so that when I want to cook / bake something I can get supplies and ingredients out of Floribunda. I'm feeling really lonely for my own little house on wheels!

    1. We look forward to seeing you again. Know what you mean about missing your motorhome, we miss ours when we have it in storage for the winter months while we are home in Florida. See you soon.


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