
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Two Days in Lake Mary Florida


We spent two days in Lake Mary moochdocking on Marcia’s brother Dean and his wife Carol’s driveway.  Thursday night they cooked Pork Rib Roast, which was delicious.  Their son Jamie and his two daughters, Brantley and Mason, were there too.  Friday morning we went to a Bob Evan’s for late breakfast, and unfortunately it has been raining most of the day.  We kepts warm in their house, watched a couple of John Wayne movies, and just visited.  Since it didn’t warm up and dry out, Dean and I went out to Papa Murphy’s Pizza and we stayed in the rest of the night.

Remember the song by Chicago, “Saturday in the park I think it was the Fourth of July”.  Kind of wished today was the fourth of July, and that we were in a park…. instead we headed back home to condo in a drizzle rain, knowing that the doggies would not be with us at night again.  Despite the gloomy weather we faced since we left on Monday, it went unnoticed since we had Bubba and Skruffy with us.  Bubba, who normally does not get up in the bed with us all night, slept with us nearly all night every night.  Even stayed on the bed after we got up for the day, that is just not the norm with Bubba.  Skruffy just loved every minute of her time with us…and when we dropped them off tonight, she probably wondered what the heck happened.  Had it really been July, we would not be in Florida, and this would all be behind us.  Oh well, it’ll be ok, we are already planning our next trip short trip.


  1. My heart is sad for you and the pups.

    1. Marcia and I feel very blessed....blessed that we can travel with our doggies, that we get to see and experience so much. I feel for the dogs, especially Skruffy, because they can't understand "why" they can't be with us all the time. I feel lucky in that each day is a reunion, and a day closer to when we get back into that motorhome and head out to Alaska and nearly 8 straight months with our pups. I think it is our responsibility now to just spend as much time with the dogs as we can, and take frequent short trips which will still allow us to do what we need to do to get ready to leave again when the time is right.

  2. Not sure I should admit I've never seen a John Wayne movie. Hope that doesn't make me too weird. I'm feeling sorry for the dogs and you too. A condo that won't allow such nice dogs. Hmmmmmm. But 8 months together and Alaska sounds FAN-tastic.

  3. John Wayne made some very good Westerns and War movies, but also other movies. What we watched was "The Quiet Man", a romantic comedy-drama filmed in Ireland. Then we watched Hatari!, about professional animal catchers in Africa working for zoos. The views of Africa and the animals in this is wonderful, catching the animals was not...but you have to keep telling yourself that it was filmed in 1962 before people really thought about that type of stuff. We did not finish the second movie.

  4. I'm sure happy you get to spend time with the kids so often. I just know they miss you two like crazy. Where're my mom and dad?

    1. We already have out next trip all planned out...another State Park about 50 miles away. Could only get in for two nights, but we will stay at the rest area again and make it three nights and four days with our little ones. :) (and it will be two weeks from today)


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