
Friday, February 14, 2014

Sun Kisses the Water & Leaves Its Mark


Before we partook in the lovely Sunset from one of our favorite necking, I mean parking places, Crystal Beach overlooking Honeymoon Island (Valentines Day Symbolism?), we had a wonderful dinner at LongHorn Steak House in Palm Harbor.  Arriving at 4:15, we were surprised that there was a thirty minute wait…I guess many retired seniors had the same idea we did, get out and eat early before the Valentine Day crowds hit.  We enjoyed our dinner, Marcia with the Outlaw Ribeye, me with the 14oz New York Strip and we shared an order of Roasted Merlot Mushrooms along with a order of Spinach Dip to start it all off with.  Of course, Marcia saved some left overs for Skruffy, and  for breakfast if I go out and get eggs in the morning.  Skruffy scarfed down her generous portion, but as for the bone and attached meat, that will need to wait until tomorrow…and we know she is going to get mad at us when we take that bone away after she gnaws on it for a little while and gets it all cleaned off.


We then took the short drive over to Crystal Beach, where we only had to wait about 10 minutes before the sun started to kiss the water.


Ever take a picture from a view….and then can’t choose from couple of those shots as to which one you like the best?  Sometimes you just have to pick on or the other….and other times you just go with both of them. Smile   


And another 20 minutes before it started to get dark…


Even the birds were looking for a place to call it a night.  Red heart


  1. Glad Skruffy had a Valentine treat, also:)

    Gorgeous sunset:)

    1. And Skruffy gets an even better treat tomorrow....I just hope she doesn't nip my hand when I do take that bone away from her!

  2. What a very nice ( and romantic) night you two had! I'm with you.....I would not be able to pick the "best" of those two pictures....glad you shared them both!
    I'm very sure you had one happy pup! Yum....yum!

    1. Happy is an understatement....she went after that bone for about two hours today, cleaned it off. Thank goodness Marcia likes her steaks on the rare side so the bone was not brittle.


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