
Sunday, February 16, 2014

Quick Escape


Is it an escape, or bringing the fur family back together with us again?  In any case, we are having a quick (as in short) outing with the dogs.  Headed to Hillsborough River State Park for two nights, about 45 miles from our Condo.  Tried to get in on Sunday, but I forgot that Monday was a holiday, so no luck with that one…probably pretty lucky getting in for Monday night and Tuesday night as it is when I made the reservations on February 3rd.  Since we want to get as much time in as we can between church on Sunday and church on Wednesday night…we decided to stay at our favorite rest area along I-75.  We have posted about this before, most recently on this post.


This Georgie Boy pulled in for about 10 minutes…as did another one, but as of 7:30 ET, we have the RV area to ourselves.


And guess what I found this time?  Yep, a dog park.  One for small dogs, and on the other side of that fence….


…the bigger dogs.

2c     2d
2e     2f

It is so nice having the two dogs together again….nothing has changed.  They go off alone, and then they group together.  On the way back to the motorhome, they were a bit hesitant.  Gee, I wonder what they were thinking….


…well, don’t start wondering unless you are willing to find out the truth of the matter.


Tomorrow is another day, one in which I hope we might have a more scenic sunset than this one from across the Interstate.  We have never been to Hillsborough River State Park, and I have done zero research on it except seeing one blog I follow which says it has the State’s only class three whitewater rapids “if conditions are right”….which does not mater to us since we have no kayak anyway.


  1. Somehow I missed that I 75 will allow overnights at its rest areas. That is a GREAT thing to know. Hillsborough is a wonderful park. We love to kayak there.

    1. Florida rest areas that are open all night long have security too, and some of the rest areas, like this one north of Tampa and the one south of Tampa have separate parking for RV's from the large trucks...which makes it real nice.

  2. It just doesn't matter what you fine there....I know you will be happy just being together! Enjoy the pups!


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