
Monday, December 16, 2013

How was I born? – New Blog Look

Mommy, Daddy says that I was downloaded, what does this all mean?

But Mommy, this is what Daddy said when I asked him how I was born: "Well, son, I guess one day you will need to find out anyway….

Your Mom and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo.
Then I set up a date via e-mail with your Mom and we met at a cyber-cafe. We sneaked into a secluded room, and Google-d each other. 

There your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.
As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one
of us had used a firewall. Since it was too late to hit the delete button, nine months later a little Pop-Up appeared that said:


Ok, this was sent to us from our good friend who we are going to visit in Phoenix after Christmas on our way to Florida.  I was in the middle of reading the TRAVEL WITH THE BAYFIELD BUNCH:)) blog that Al puts out just about every day where he includes a joke…I was just getting ready to read his joke when Marcia read this to me from her email.  Thought about sending it to Al, but then decided to make a blog posting myself to show off our new blog look (again). 

I think I am going to change the header picture more often, and with that, change the color of the side borders as needed.  Since this picture has a lot of earth tones, I thought this light tan would be appropriate.  As for the joke, I hope it does not offend anyone…. just a cute little computer geek type of joke.  I added the icons to go with the joke, but the cartoon came with it.  Don’t know where the joke originated from…as many jokes out there on the Internet, they just get a life of their own.


  1. That's a beautiful header picture. I often change ours depending on my photography and where we are. But never thought to change the other colors...

    Cute joke!

    1. At first I thought I should always have our motorhome included in the header picture (once I figured out how to add my own picture and not use a blogger picture), but sites like yours and others which show wonderful nature shots changed my mind. I think I have over a dozen pictures ready to put up in the header from pictures we have taken in the past two years.

  2. Very cute story - how was I born? I like the new look of the blog and enjoy it when bloggers 'shake things up' a little with their blogs. It's fun to see the creativity. Hmmm, maybe I'll get in the holiday spirit!
    I certainly hope we can connect sometime when you get moving southeasterly after the holidays. I'm loving Louisiana so far.

    1. Well, you are just going to have to be in the Tarpon Springs area during your travels and we will make sure you can enjoy some good, authentic Greek Food. Our Condo is right on the boarder of Tarpon Springs and Holiday. There is a RV park within a rock's throw of the entrance to the Condo property.

  3. Great look to the blog!

    Love the joke!! Thanks for the laugh!

    1. Sure glad you enjoyed your Cruise with Howard and Linda. Can't wait to see more pictures from you all.

  4. The header picture is gorgeous! Changing the border colors as you change the pictures really makes the header picture stand out nicely.

    1. I should have taken the time to learn how to change the picture I have it down and will be changing it from time to time. Kinda wish I knew how to make it put up a random picture so that I could have four or five pictures that randomly changed every time a person came to our site. I did this on my library site, but not sure I can do it on blogger....we will see. Looks like you are getting closer and closer to Florida each week. Glad you are out of the snow and ice country.

  5. Love this Dave! Very funny and nice graphics with it. Thanks for the suggestions on Win 7 and Live Writer. I did download Chrome, same message when I try to get to my dashboard. I've worked out the Live Writer issues "I think" but if there is a way to lock the desktop icons in Win 7 I'd sure like to know what it is. I've promised myself that despite loving Dell Computers I'm going to buy a MAC next time. I am sick of microsoft. It seems that nearly everything I want to do takes at least twice as many clicks or more to do in their new windows and office products. Thanks so much for the comment. Hope to see you often!


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