
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hair Cuts and Ice Cream

As we prepare to leave in just nine days, today we went over for hair cuts and ice cream.  While here, Marcia and Mom have been getting their hair cut while dad and I wait in the car.  And after the wait we (dad and I) are amply rewarded when we all travel across the parking lot to a Sacramento tradition, Leatherby's Family Creamery.


Now you just “have to” view the menu for Leatherby's….it is like so yummy just looking at the menu items will make you gain weight!  Today we had hot dogs, mom had soup, and Marcia and I split this wonderful treat, a Pauls Royal Raspberry Fudge (similar to one above…didn’t have the camera with us).  The menu describes it like this, “Delicious red raspberries, moist chocolate cake and our homemade Hot Fudge, topped off with Vanilla ice cream.”  (They fail to mention the whipped cream and cherry on top!)  Oh boy…..was it ever good.  The first page of the menu talks about the history of Leatherby’s, their large family, and the good they have done for the community.


On our way home we are driving mostly west, and overwhelmed by this sunset.  If we had only left five minutes earlier, it was really a good sunset.  It would have been a good time to be on the eastern edge of Folsom Lake, that’s for sure.  But the view from my sister’s house, with my parents house just out of view to the right, is still a nice view.

View Going to Phoenix in a larger map

Last night, after going to be fairly early, I got up around 2:30 and planned out our trip to the Phoenix area.  We plan to leave Friday after Christmas, drive to just past Fresno, then the next day to just into Arizona, then stay in Prescott for Sunday night, and on Monday end up in Phoenix for four nights.  Made reservations at a county park there which only had three or four more openings, so lucky I woke up so early.  Well, I did go back to bed around 4:30 and got another four hours of sleep, so it wasn’t too bad.  It was also getting this bit of planning out of the way…but as Marcia says, “Man makes plans and God laughs.”  I think what she is saying that no matter what we do, we are not in charge.  So with that, we will prepare to leave a week from Friday….God willing. All I know is that after all that ice cream, it is time for a good nap!


  1. That ice cream sundae reminds me a place we ate in Bakersfield. The menu of ice cream dessert possibilities was unbelievable and soooo yummy.

    The sunset is amazing just as it is:)

  2. Oh, am I hungry for a Leatherby's treat.

    1. Yep, I knew you had been there before Mary-Pat. After being away from the area for so long I had nearly forgot about Leatherby's....but as soon as the word was brought up it was like, "Oh ya, let's get over there!"

  3. Leatherby's sounds familiar - I wonder if I've been there. Although I think I would remember that luscious-looking raspberry sundae.

    1. I think they opened one in Salt Lake area, and a few other places...then decided they expanded to much and dropped back to just the two in Sacramento, which are doing well. So you might have had Leatherby's before in another town.

  4. Someone emailed us to tell us you were coming our way. We're at McDowell until Jan 1st. Will be moving to site 36 on Monday, which is in the other loop from where you will be. Stop by and visit!

  5. Not sure I'll ever be stopping in Sacramento but ice cream hound that I am Leatherby's might just get me to do that. OH my does that menu look fantastic! I know I have to go through Bakersfield so I'm hoping someone will come up with the name for that one.

    1. Not sure about Bakersfield....but I know there are two Leatherby's in Sacramento. They have this one dish called "Big Daddy Dave's" that took four of us to consume when we had it....when a person finishes alone they get their picture taken and put up on their wall for a year or so. Don't know how someone can have that much Ice Cream in one sitting....


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