

Our travel maps include all of our overnight stops with our motorhome, day trips, and each has a link or links to our blog posting pertaining to that area.  (If you have a slow connection, it might take a little bit of time for each of the maps to import from Google Maps)


- Normal night or multi-night stops with the motorhome
2 - Special event (where we bought motorhomes, repairs, and Storage)
3 - Wish list stops for 2012
5 - Multi-day trips with HHR 2012-2013
4 - Day trips with HHR  2012-2013
             - Day trips with HHR for maps for 2014 - 2017

Travel Map for 2018


  1. Dave,
    Please tell me how you were able to incorporate Google Maps into Blogger.

    1. Liz, I am going to assume you know how to make a "My Places" map in Google and you just want to know how I bring that into Blogger. When in Google Maps, if you click on the icon that looks like two chain links, it will open a small window which has "Paste HTML to embed in website" as one of the choices. In Blogger under the "compose" (or normal) mode in make a page, I will figure out where I want the map, center it, then place four z's (zzzz) in that location, I then go into HTML mode which will allow me to past teh embed into the website. I do a search for the four z's (zzzz), and it will go to where you put the four z's, and the z's should be highlighted....with that, I just paste in the embed. Go back to the compose mode and there is the map. The nice thing is that as you change the map, the map on your blogger page will change with it. Hope that answers your question. --Dave

  2. Love the trees, and the maps - how do you put them into blogger?


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