
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Drowsey Alert & EMERGENCY EMERGENCY EMERGENCY -- What I didn't know still...

Imagine if you would, driving a few hours and you decide it is time to stretch your neck.  A little to the right, a little to the left, head up, head down, and BEEEEEEP...It appears your are drowsy!  WHAT????  A guy can't stretch his neck out without the creeper dash system acting like that kid in school that has to tell the teacher on everyone!   No, I was not tired, just stretching my neck...gee whizzzzz

Then today...I was driving along the two lane highway in Colorado close to the four corners area.  The road is hilly...goes up, then down, then up a bit higher, than down even lower, over and over and over.  Then, as I just get to the top of one of these hills, there are three trucks in their appropriate lane headed up the other side of the hill.  Apparently "Creeper Dash" (I coined that term Nancy) throws a HUGE HISSY FIT!  An alarm...yes, an alarm goes off.  I look at the Dash and it said something like, "Emergency! Stop! and a Flash, and it all goes away.  I pass along on my side of the road, the trucks pass along on their side of the road, and Marcia is like, "What the Hell was THAT?"  Oh, I wish I knew...   My guess is, Creeper Dash thought the trucks and us were going to hit each other.  It took about 2 seconds before it realized that like Congressman Jamaal Bowmen it panicked and pulled a false alarm.  Then, like the Congressman, it goes on like nothing unusual happened.  The only difference is that there was no media that witnessed mine, so Creeper Dash got away with it...

I forgot to mention yesterday that I drove for well over an hour first thing in the morning without one lane assist violation.  All proud with my shoulders pulled back I look down at the buttons under the GPS-Radio-ETC Screen and notice a light is on the lane assist...Indy must have been trying to look at me through the front window and hit that button twice in a row turning the alarm off.  Dejected, I turned it back on, and within 10 minutes it goes off.  GRRRRR!!!  

Then today, while driving up in the North West area of New Mexico I hit a 40 mile stretch that had lots of pot I drove around as many as I could, Creeper Dash reported me as a lane violation.  Well, Creeper Dash is just lucky I did not have a gun in my hand...

Today we are in Monticello Utah, tomorrow we will visit Arches, then drive to Salt Lake City were we are meeting Stephanie and her Aunt Debbie (my first wife's sister) for dinner.  After dinner we will travel an hour outside of SLC to a rest area so that Thursday we won't have to worry about any morning rush hour traffic.  Not sure, but we might just get to Sacramento Thursday night...


  1. I'm telling you ... that ASSIST thing needs to go away FOREVER. What a big pain in the butt it is!! Just wait ... I think there are two more ASSISTS in your future. What I hated most was when it slammed on the brakes ... and I mean threw me forward in the seat ... because it said I was going to run into that truck who was way over on his side in the OTHER lane!!! It's a ridiculous feature that will probably CAUSE a wreck!!

    1. We had the accident Avoidance feature activate once in each of two different vehicles. One of the times it did a void a serious accident. The second time I saw what was happening and realized no action was required but the avoidance feature activated anyway.

    2. My hope is to outsmart the creepy thing....

  2. Perfect name for your dash! You better hope Nancy is not reporting how many times you go out of your lane to your insurance company!

    1. Nancy would never do that...because my hush payment is in the mail!

  3. Bet if you looked hard enough in the owners manual, you would find ways to turn all of that stuff off. I've done that with all of mine except for the one in the mirrors that lets me know if there is a vehicle in the blind spot. That is one that should be standard on all vehicles and is a very worthwhile safety feature.

    1. Oh, I looked that up already...but why take the fun away from bitching about it???

  4. We turned the most annoying assists off in my wife's new car. The first to go was the one that assumed anytime you started to go over the center line it was a mistake and would try to correct you. My wife swerved to avoid a dog who ran into the road. She had to fight the shuddering steering wheel to miss the poor dog.

  5. Thanks for the several chuckles although I must confess, I laughed out loud when you referenced the Congressman pulling the alarm!


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