
Friday, June 14, 2024

So Close to Getting New Motorhome...


When Nancy emails me and asks for the status of the new motorhome, it kinda tells me that I had better write another Blog about this...

So, the bottom line has not changed...the Credit Union wants their name as the Lien Holder on the Title before releasing the $$$, the RV Dealer wants the $$$ before they release the motorhome to us EVEN THOUGH we are the registered owner with the DMV, all the dealer paperwork shows we are the owner, we sit.  BUT there has been progress...

We received our Florida License Plate today...and our Vehicle Registration!!!   Wait, if we have those, shouldn't the Title show the Credit Union as the Lien Holder?  Well, it does (as of yesterday) AND it doesn't.  

Although the Title shows the Credit Union as the Lien Holder, it still lacks the words ACTIVE where above it says, PENDING DEALER TRANSACTION.   Florida Law is very clear that it is the DEALER who has to file the title ELECTRONICALLY as soon as possible.  Here is a portion of a memo sent to all dealers about four years ago:

"This important message is regarding your dealership’s responsibility to process transactions promptly.

Section 319.23(6)(a), Florida Statutes, provides that in the case of the sale of a motor vehicle or mobile home by a licensed dealer to a general purchaser, the certificate of title must be obtained in the name of the purchaser by the dealer upon application signed by the purchaser, and in each other case such certificate must be obtained by the purchaser."

So today, after communication with the bank when I came to realize that the "PENDING DEALER TRANSACTION" was important, I sent an email near the end of today's business hours, asking them to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!!! file this electronically ASAP, and sent a link to the full memo from the State of Florida to dealers, and a PDF of the Title showing the PENDING DEALER TRANSACTION on it.

I am sure that there are times that the amount of paperwork these businesses have to do is enormous.  However...the amount of patience that WE HAVE is about to run out. 

UPDATE:  As of 8 pm, I checked the Florida Title Search and our Electronic Title now shows ACTIVE!  I think we should have our new baby home with us by Wednesday!!!


  1. YAY YAY YAY!!!!! It about time!!! I'm so excited for you. What a pain in the patoo!!! Funny how for once (and only once), California beats out another state when it comes to registrations of credit union vehicles. I'll be waiting for pictures!!!

    1. Once we get the vehicle, I plan to let the head people of this RV Dealership know just how we feel about what we went through, and I will probably name the place too so people can make their own decisions as to if they want to deal with this place again. But you know, I have heard of worse cases from other large dealerships too.

  2. Oh my gosh, what a hassle, but you are getting close!

    1. Tomorrow Afternoon Delivery! YES!!!! (How's the fishing going???)

  3. Lady AwesomeBlondeJune 20, 2024 at 11:45 PM

    As I have now read your post, and it is the 21st of June here in Aus, by now you Should have your new wheels!! How very exciting for you both! Does that mean you have already hit the road and are off on your next adventure??

    1. We have to see what we can and cannot take, do a few short runs to be sure there are no problems, then off to California in late July till end of October. ALWAYS nice to hear from ya...


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