
Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas - 2021

Merry Christmas to Friends & Family
On our trip home from California, I found a Christmas CD at Cracker Barrel that I thought Marcia would was by Josh Turner.  On this CD is this amazing song called Soldier's Gift.  As we heard it, I thought about the Christmas that my Brother Bob was in Vietnam (called Viet Nam back then), and how we awaited his phone call home.  Then I thought about when Dad was in the Navy, 1946, and how mom (before they were married) must have felt with him overseas.  And then I thought about Grandma (mom's mother) and how on Christmas Day, 1941, she did not even know if all her Navy Boys were safe and sound, especially Uncle Harold who was at Pearl Harbor on that dreadful day.  And how grandma would spend another 3 Christmas Seasons wondering if her Navy Boys were still safe and sound.  And how she must have felt on Christmas 1945 when she knew that she had lost Jimmy in May to a Kamikaze Attack.  Yes, this song can bring out all these thoughts and emotions...I hope you take the time to listen to it and watch the video that plays along with it.  
Enjoy your Christmas, and remember what is it all about.


  1. Hope you are safe and warm...Merry Christmas to you both

  2. Replies
    1. Hope you all had one too...ours was quiet and relaxing and we have been living off of Prime Rib sandwiches for dinner each night since....yummmmmmy stuff there.


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