
Sunday, April 7, 2019

Quiet Sunday? Not With Arkansas STORMS!

At Maumelle Park COE, Little Rock, AR

Arkansas Thunder Storm

I thought Saturday’s slight thunder storm was going to be it for us…but NO, it just can’t be.  A couple of years ago we had tornado land just a 1/10th of a mile from the Walmart we stopped at for the night.  Well, this was not a tornado….but…

Arkansas Thunder Storm

…around 2:00 the TV gives the good ole, “Thunderstorm Warning” for the second time today.  The first was around 10 am, but did not include the area near us…it was more for South Little Rock…we did not even get rain. This one clearly said Little Rock and also Maumelle…the town of Maumelle is just across the river from us.  Within a minute I could feel the wind, hear Sycamore seed balls hitting the roof of the motorhome.  I quickly decided to pull our slide in. 

Arkansas Thunder Storm

For 10-15 minutes the wind was intense, the rain was hard, and there was a lot of lightening and thunder.  Thank goodness Skruffy cannot hear as well as she use to, so she did not freak out.  Bubba, well he is just Bubba…could probably sleep through anything. The Sycamore Balls make about a dozen strikes on the roof…but they are not heavy enough to do any damage, just a lot of noise.

Arkansas Thunder Storm

The black circle above is where Maumelle Park is located.  By 2:30 I had the slide back out, and so far the weather has been fine.  BUT, there is a milder phase hitting us again in 20-30 minutes.  Mostly green, a few yellows…but this is Arkansas so who knows.  Tomorrow is suppose to be a better day, as is the rest of the week.  But one thing I found out living in Arkansas so long…the weather man can only make solid predictions for just a few days out from April through September.  And ANY MONTH is and has been capable of producing a tornado.  I just hope we don’t have to deal with any of that while we are here.


  1. Glad you are Safe and Sound but not happy to see the extended forecast as tat was the direction we were going to travel. Maybe I-44 would be Safer.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your summer travels.

    It's about time.

    1. Safe travels. Perhaps you can travel behind the storm...I found that to be a good way of staying out of the eye of the storm, if you know what I mean.

  2. The amount of rain that falls is downright amazing. Not only did we pull our slides in, we unplugged the rigs, just in case. I sat watching my phone the entire time!!!

    1. I put a large garbage bag over the electrical box, and with so many TV towers, radio towers, trees and Pinnacle Mountain so close I figured the chances of an electrical hit on the electrical system was slim to none. And YES, the amount of water that can fall out of the sky in the south is amazing...and how quick it is soaked up by the ground...

  3. I told Leonard a few years back that I would never live in OK due to the tornadoes. Little did I know that here in North Alabama they are a regular occurrence. Sure glad to have a house with a basement. I count at least 8 shelters within two miles of the house.

    1. I think Arkansas sees fewer than Alabama does. Some of the tornadoes in Arkansas come from Oklahoma, but most come up I-30 from the Dallas area.


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