
Monday, April 22, 2019

Blue Springs Lake, Lee’s Summit, MO

At Blue Springs Lake Campground, Lee’s Summit, MO

Blue Springs Lake Campground, Lee's Summit, MO

We left the Casino near Joplin around 11 am…had to wait for a guy with a huge 5th wheel empty his tanks…after he talked to a guy for five minutes who wanted to know about how he pulls his 5th wheel a commercial 18-wheeler type truck.  Well, we were not in a hurry, and after he finished dumping his three tanks (two grey tanks) he came over and talked to us too.  By 11, we were on the Interstate, and by 2, we were pulling into Blue Springs Lake Campground…where we had to wait while a guy unhooks his tow vehicle at the check-in lane…the guy manning the booth apologized for that.  Again, no problem, who is in a hurry these days anyway?

Blue Springs Lake,  Lee's Summit, MO   Blue Springs Lake,  Lee's Summit, MO

Blue Springs Lake,  Lee's Summit, MO   Blue Springs Lake,  Lee's Summit, MO

Around 5:30 I took a ride around the lake to get some picture.  We were just here back in September, but the spring look is a bit prettier than the early fall September look.

Redbuds at Blue Springs Lake,  Lee's Summit, MO   Redbuds at Blue Springs Lake,  Lee's Summit, MO

Especially the Redbuds…they really contrast with the green of the fresh spring trees…

Redbuds at Blue Springs Lake Campground, Lee's Summit, MO

…or against RV’s here in the campground.  Hope to have dinner with Ryan tomorrow or Wednesday…graduation is on Friday and the whole family will be here.  Looking forward to that for sure.


  1. WOW ... that redbud is gorgeous!! I know we shouldn't be in a hurry, but it's rude to take up so much time talking and make anyone wait. If no one is behind you, that's fine ... talk away. You certainly are traveling through some beautiful country!!

    1. It is not very often that one gets a chance to talk to someone pulling a 5th wheel with a semi. I saw this guy heading over to the dump station about 5 minutes before we pulled out of our site. When he was talking I figured he had done his duty already...but no, he had not even started. WHY he felt he needed to come over and talk with us is beyond me...

  2. Replies
    1. Our second time here...but my son moves right after graduation, so who knows if we will be back or not.

  3. A few weeks ago we stopped at a dump station at a community park. A woman in a small class C was there ahead of us. She came over and told us she wanted to let us know that she'd be there for an hour. An hour! How can you take an entire hour to dump and flush your tanks! She said she was just being considerate by telling us and was not concerned at all that taking up the dump station for an hour was very inconsiderate. Since we were planning on being in town for another day we left. Takes all kinds I guess. :P

    1. An HOUR! In my first 5th wheel I owned I had a problem which required a garden hose being put down the toilet to clear a clog, and even with that I wasn't at the dump station for more than 30 minutes....wonder how long she had been there when you arrived?


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