
Saturday, March 30, 2019

350 Miles, Still in Florida

In Jacksonville, FL

Jacksonville Cracker Barrel

When we planned to leave, we planned to visit three different sets of people here in Florida…well, we saw two, one has the flu…hope you feel better Ginger!

Jacksonville Cracker Barrel

This is our third night out, second at a Cracker Barrel.  Last night it was in Sanford, today Jacksonville.  Gotta love Cracker Barrels…

Jets west of Jacksonville

How  often do you see four planes so high up so close together?  Anyway, I think we are going to find us a park in southern Alabama tomorrow to crash at for a few days…have reservations in Little Rock on Friday, so no big hurry to get there.


  1. Glad you are taking yourselves away from all that Craziness in Florida.
    Be Safe and Enjoy your adventure.

    It's about time.

    1. YES, today (Sunday) we made it to Alabama...and there are NOT very many Spring Breakers (just past that season I think/hope). Traffic in Florida was overall ok, but a LOT of RVers are headed north and west.

  2. Yay ... back on the road!! Yup ... I love Cracker Barrel!! Drive safe ..

    1. This was one of the quietest Cracker Barrels we have ever been at. ALL by ourselves, and only heard one AH who came through with a loud car, drove around the parking lot and left (probably looking for an outlet to the side street...but there was one way in, and one way out) The building shielded the freeway was real nice.

  3. Sounds like a good trip so far! Enjoy your stay in Alabama. :-)

    1. Well, traveling 400 mile from home in four days is just not like us...and we have another 4+ days to get to Little Rock, which is only 500 miles away. This is killing me.... LOL


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