
Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Skruffy Sees the Vet….AND…

At home in the Holiday / Tarpon Springs area


Hello EVERYONE, Skruffy here.  I just saw my Holiday Florida Vet last week.  They poked me, they felt me, they rubbed my body, they petted my head, they even pried my mouth open.  Of course, the WORSE part is when they stuck those things up my A…

Skruffy, I told you not to talk about that to everyone!

Ok dad, but you know…that feels real strange…have they ever done that to YOU?

Not at the VET’s office Skruffy, but at the Doctor’s office they…Hey, just get back to your story.

Ok….So the visit at the Vet’s office lasted about 8 hours…

Skruffy, it was NOT 8 hours, more like 45 minutes…

Well, it FELT like 8 hours, especially when they stuck that …

Skruffy, enough of that, you want me to tell this story, or will you be good and continue???

Ok, I will be good.

Vet Exam Room Wall    Vet Exam Room

Above are pictures of the exam room.  They put me on this big, cold metal table (the one that says Trifexis, whatever that means).  Dad took these pictures as they had me in the back room taking a blood sample and sticking this huge instrument up my …

Skruffy!  I warned you…

Ok dad…anyway, I like the stuff up on the wall…and dad wishes they had that TV on because I think he got bored while I, ugh, well, I had better not go there or dad will yell at me again.

Anyway, after they drew the blood, and gathered some of my wewe out on the lawn (thank goodness I had to go), they took me back and talked to dad about me.  My weight?  I lost 1/10th of a pound, which is GOOD for a diabetic dog (we normally gain and gain until we get sick…)  They would like me to get my teeth cleaned, but dad does not want to put me under, so that just isn’t going to happen.  I did not need a rabies shot, and they gave me some medicine to drink, and told dad that my blood work would be ready on Monday.

In the meantime, dad did the taxes and got them off in the mail, and on Saturday we drove 45 miles over to see the great-grand baby (did you know that it took us 90 minutes to drive 45 miles both there and 90 minutes back?  Tampa traffic this time of year is very hectic…had something to do with a Grandprix, the Gasparilla Music Festival, some guy named Tiger, and Snowbird season all falling at the same time.)  On Sunday, mom and dad went to church, then came home, then went out to eat again with Ginger.  Finally, Monday came.  Mom had a final appointment with the Neurologist, who said that she is doing just fine, and will see her again next year.  Then we dropped mom off at Bible Study, which is really a bunch of older women who sit around and… what ladies do.

Skruffy!  Now be nice, you know that these nice ladies don’t sit around and talk.  Mom has been going to this Bible Study from way before we brought her into our family, and they really do have study lessons…maybe not for the entire 2 hours, but for much of it!  Anyway, are you going to get to the news about your blood work?

Yes dad, and sorry to any of those ladies who might read this.  I just know that when I get together with the dogs in the doggie park we talk about our owners all the time!   Anyway….while mom is at the Church, dad and I go over to the motorhome, let the engine run to charge up the batteries, and this time dad used this lemon furniture polish on all the woodwork getting us ready to leave next week.  Then we picked up mom, and we stopped at the vet to pick up the blood work.  I stayed out in the car with mom, and when dad came back he said….

Skruffy and her Award of Excellence (photoshopped into picture) 

…I earned a medal of EXCELLENCE!  My Fructosamine came back at 257!  Normal is between 177 and 314, so I am right in the middle of normal, which is EXACTLY what you want with a Diabetic dog!  (Single fructosamine measurements should be interpreted in the light of clinical signs of diabetes, body weight, and blood glucose concentration. In general, the closer the fructosamine concentration is to the reference range for healthy dogs, the better the glycemic control.)  In fact, all my blood numbers we looking good.  Can’t wait until I can tell Bubba that I got an Award of Excellence…we will be seeing him in just 2 more weeks, because dad says that next Wednesday, after church, we will be back on the road headed to Uncle Arny and Aunt Sandy’s house…which means, I get more Pork Treats in my diet, and I get to run all over that beautiful backyard and chase Squirrels…and I hope that Mallard that Bubba has made friends with is still hanging around when I get there.

Thank you Skruffy, you did a good job.  


  1. YAY for Skruffy!!!! Good work Dad!! Glad to hear he's doing well and you're almost ready to roll again. YAY for Marcia too!!! Now you can enjoy your next trip!

    1. She (Skruffy) is doing very well...she (Marcia) is doing just as well. Now for me? I am a wreck! (no, just joking)

  2. Gee, it looks like everyone in your family is doing well - blessings and congratulations!

    1. When I look back at the pictures we took of Skruffy when she was so sick....when Dr. Meezie said, "You will need to give her a shot twice a day, 12 hours apart each time you feed her...." and I thought "Oh, what if she doesn't like me because I have to give her these shots?" Well, that is all water under the bridge, and she is doing so much better than we ever anticipated. It is consistency, and monitoring which has kept her well. Thanks Cheryl, hope all is well with you down in Mexico.


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