
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Someone Take This Tire Bug From Us!

While at Desert View Campground I came to believe that the tire extender had a leak on passenger's front tire.  So I removed it when we were idle, put back on while we traveled. Monday, I decided it was best to drive back to Mather Campground and empty tanks and take on fresh water.  Got back and took off the extender, which has the tire pressure monitor attached to it.  Reattached to leave this morning, and that tire had dropped 10 psi over night.  Thank goodness the gas station, which has an attendant from 9-5, is actually open all night, and has free tire filler going 24 hours a day.  So we went in, filled tire to 70 psi and drove on to the east before turning south...headed for Discount Tire in Flagstaff.

At Cameron Arizona we turn to the south on 89.  About 10 miles south our sensor goes off just after hitting a patch of rough Arizona roadway...we are down to 60 psi again.  We drive on, hoping we can get to Flagstaff, but at the 20 miles away mark, we are down to 52...time to find a turnout and call roadside assistance.  That take 2 hours, and the guy cranks us up to 80 from 20 which it slowly dropped to.  It only reads 78 on our monitor, and he follows us into Flagstaff, thank you for that.  Discount Tires takes another 2 is the tire stem.  This is the same tire which was dropped in Little Rock while brakes were being fixed, which broke the good extender that we had...well, it also did damage to this tire stem, which broke apart as I watched the guy remove the tire.  Thank goodness I keep a supply of these tire stems for the chrome wheels, which are different than the ones for the inner dual tires, because that saves lots of time.

After, I went to a Napa Auto Store and got a new extension too, so we should be fine.  I knew Flagstaff had a Cracker Barrel...and that is were we ate, where we will stay the night, and in the morning we are headed back to Discount Tire and have them check and fill all tires while we are cold (it is 3 miles away, and it will be 42 tonight), and then off we will go.  Ok, so it delays us a day...we have no real time schedule right now anyway.

(Posted using my handheld device...I think everything is typed right...sorry if it is not)


  1. Isn't that so irritating? It's why I always hate to get new tires ... I'm afraid the same thing will happen. Good luck ... I hope your tire problems are in the past now.

    1. So far so good...sitting goosenecks State Park in Utah right now...if you haven't...put it on your photocopier!

  2. Sounds like the extenders are more trouble than they're worth. Fingers Xd you can get this tire problem resolved.

    1. Without an extender of about 2", then I can't put the tire pressure sensor on...and I don't want to travel without knowing tire pressures!


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