
Friday, June 24, 2016

A Time for Healing - Diamond M Ranch Resort (RV Park)

Diamond M Ranch Resort, picture from Internet

We are taking a break from our travels for perhaps a week, definitely four days.  After three nights at the Fred Meyer in Soldotna, which, by-the-way was not bad for a parking lot boondock, it was not relaxing by any means as we dealt with Skruffy's crisis.  The good thing about Fred Meyer, they had a free dump station…bad thing, being free, the dump station brings in lots and lots of RVs who don't stay the night, but use the dump station.  They have a 3 night stay limit due to city regulations, and they have young ladies who go around taking down license plates, and talking to the RVers.  We can go back after three nights of being away, and we might…depends upon Skruffy’s tests on Monday, and “IF” our Amazon package arrives at the Vets Office so we can do our own blood sugar tests on her.

Diamond M Ranch Resort, picture from Internet 

We lucked out with this RV park, I mean “Resort” (Diamond M Ranch Resort).  It is a family owned, family run operation (three generations)…and they really give it a family touch.  See that spiral stairway and deck upstairs?  They have a pot luck every Saturday night…a fish fry pot luck, during the summer, and other events too.  Problem is, up the stairs is the only way up there, and that rules Marcia out.  I don’t think they would let me take the food downstairs and allow us to eat in the 1960 Mercedes-Benz 190B Ponton!  (I could try, but I doubt that would acceptable…) 

Skruffy wanting to drive the rest of the way to Dawson Creek    Skruffy in Dawson Creek
(Skruffy in her better days back in May…but she was probably sick then and we did not know it!)

Be assured that Skruffy is doing well, but not totally out of the woods until a few more test results come back within the proper guidelines for a little 12+ pound dog.  In-other-words, there “could” be more going on than the diabetes and pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas) that she has been diagnosed with.  Diabetes will be a lifelong issue dealt with through medications and diet.  The pancreatitis is being dealt with through diet, and so far she is responding well to it.  The pancreatitis "might" be something we have to watch out for from here on out...depends on how tests come out over the next number of months.

I am going to put together a blog post on the two Veterinarians at the Soldotna Animal Hospital ‎ that helped Skruffy.  ALL of the staff at the Soldotna Animal Hospital were so very nice, helpful, caring, from the owner to all of the DVM’s who he has surrounded himself with, and the techs and other staff that work there.  But one person so very much “saved” our little girl through quick action, loving touch, her training and experience…she quickly and efficiently did everything that needed to be done, and went out of her way to help us and inform us.  And there is an AMAZING story behind this person which just needs to be told. So until next time...


  1. So glad Scruffy is doing better. :-)
    That's a very cooling looking park that you ended up at!

    1. They have a very interesting way to do their pull throughs. Imagine a large box, and along each side of the box is a 60' pull-through. All RV doors open up to the middle of the box which is green grass, and in the very middle is a large fire pit for a group fire (if anyone around the box wants to make a fire), and it looks like they provide the wood for the fire. I think they have four of these boxes in a row, and the rows between boxes only hold one pull through each, so they accommodate 13 large pull throughs. Anyway, it provides a lot more privacy, a lot of grass for those with dogs, and a group get-together if people desire. Downfall is that some people don't like smoke, but you run into that with many configurations.

  2. Glad to hear Scruffy is doing better. We were in the same parking lot last night, I did not realize until I just read this. We spent last night ar Fred Meyer and the night before at Walmart. We are in Kasilof tonight headed to Homer tomorrow and headed to Kokiak Island on the 29th.

    1. Wish we knew, but we have had our minds elsewhere with Skruffy so sick...

  3. Dave, this is a question about blood sugar testing on dogs. Im diabetic and get my blood from my fingertips. Where do you poke her for the blood? Is she cooperative? Hoping the pancreatitis is gone for good, and never comes back.

    1. This is something we don't know yet, our machine has not arrived and we cannot use their machine. But I thought they said that they test her ear. I know this tester we are getting only needs a very small amount of blood...very small.


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