
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

You Are Now Entering the World Famous Alaska Highway

Entering Alaska Highway Sign, with Skruffy, Dawson Creek, B.C.

Yessiree, we are actually on the Alaska Highway! 

And what is the first thing we do?  After checking into the Mile Zero (0) RV Park.  After we get settled.  After we do a few loads of laundry.  After we go to an A & W Root Beer Stand, you know, the older looking ones, and pick up some late lunch / early dinner and some root beer (float for Marcia).  Why, we went over to this famous icon of the Alaska Highway, eat, and then add our addition to the monument.

Entering Alaska Highway Sign, with Skruffy, Dawson Creek, B.C.

This little girl Skruffy is one lucky dog.  Found out on the streets of Pine Bluff Arkansas, abandoned after having a liter of pups, infested with heart worms, she became a Library Mascot, and now she has visited some 40 states, 2 Provinces, and has been in pictures of Yosemite, Glacier, Yellowstone, Crater Lake, and other National Parks, Monuments, and just general photo opportunities.   Now she sits on the monument of the start of the Alaska Highway.  What a wonderful doggie life she is living!

The Grain Elevator / Art Gallery, Dawson Creek, B.C.

Icon of the Northern Alberta Railway Park, Dawson Creek, B.C.

The original Mile Zero monument, now a block away from the true mile zero, Dawson Creek, B.C.

We drove around a bit taking a few pictures…but tomorrow is going to be sightseeing day, and grocery shopping day, and another check on fluids levels and stuff like that.  Then on Thursday, off we go.  I have mapped our trip out to Watson Lake in the Yukon, but still need to add gas stations.  Will show more about Dawson Creek tomorrow…now I have to go get that little girl off the monument, she is probably freezing by now.


  1. Don't know where you are staying ... we got a spot in an RV park up on the hill. There's a couple of nice museums there. Amazing, the pictures of how those roads were made and all the caterpillars you'll still find all along the way.

    1. We are at the park near there on the Alaska Highway, part of the Rotary Lake and Pioneer Village area. Good park for smaller rigs like we have, although they have a small handful of larger ones, but doubt they could fit very many more larger ones in...lots of small sites still unused this time of year.

  2. Yay! Alaska finally and blue skies too!

  3. Don't want to be picky Dave, but in Canada you have visited provinces. (probably a typo) It was providence that allowed you to visit two provinces.

    1. Thanks Charles, did miss type in LiveWriter, which with Windows 7 does not have spell check. When I posted to Blogger as a draft I do a spell check, it brought up a few choices and in my fatigue, I picked the wrong one. Now, as a retired Librarian I must admit, I am the worse speller in the world, and a fast typist, so put the two together and there is always something....


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