
Thursday, May 5, 2016

Bear, Moose, Son, Bison – A BIG Teton Day

Bear at String Lake - Tetons

Of all the animals we saw today on our visit to the Tetons, we only got pictures of two types.  Pulled into String Lake, just north of Jenny Lake…got out of the car to try and get a picture of the water with the mountains in the background, and as I started to walk by this lady she says in a whisper, “There is a bear down through those trees.”  Well, my timing could not have been better, because I was standing right at the spot the bear would eventually come out of the water and up the bank…shooting right through me if I stayed there.  In case he decided to turn and head through the parking lot, I tried to give Marcia a call (after I got the first series of pictures while he was still down in the water.)

Bear at String Lake - Tetons    Bear at String Lake - Tetons

He KNEW we were up there, he could smell us and he also saw us.  I say us, but after I turned around, it was just me there.  He looked right at me, kinda said with his eyes, “You are standing right where I am a headed…”, and I kindly moved on to a safer spot, trying to call Marcia, and missed his exit from the water.

Bear at String Lake - Tetons    Bear at String Lake - Tetons

After he hit the bank he ran a bit, got a shot of that, but it was too blurry.  He then just walked along up and over and through the woods, like it was nobody’s business except his (or her) own.

String Lake - Tetons    String Lake - Tetons

Well, the shot on the left is the one I was going for before the lady told me about the bear.  The shot on the right would have been a wonderful spot to get the bear crossing the river…but it all worked out ok.  Except, I never did get a hold of Marcia, and when I got back to the car she said, “What Bear?”  Makes up for her seeing the moose as we traveled over Teton Summit earlier.  As we entered the valley coming down from the summit, five dear ran across the road in front of us…kinda got the feeling the guy behind us was glad that he didn’t pass us earlier because there would have been a dead deer, and a dead Japanese car had he done that.  At first he looked a bit upset that I slowed as much as I did for the dear...until he saw more come out from the woods.  Later, we also saw Bison, but they were not very close, and after our close and personal visit with Bison back in 2012 in Yellowstone, well, nothing tops that as it goes with Bison.

After we left the Jenny Lake area headed south on the main park road, I get this text from my son Ryan.

“Where are you??”

“Tetons”, I reply.

“I'm like 99% sure I just passed you on the other side of the road.”

So I call him, and sure enough, he is at the Tetons too!  In between semesters at school each spring, he goes on an annual visit of America.  Last I heard he was in Seattle, but earlier today they went to Yellowstone, and at the very moment that we are leaving Jenny Lake, about a mile away from it, he is headed for Jenny Lake and sees us.  So we make a U-Turn and catch up with him and his two friends.  He had no idea where I was in our travels, and I had no idea where he was...ain't that something???

Derek, Ryan, Matt

Derek, on the left, is also in the Cleveland Chiropractic College with Ryan at Overland Park, Kansas.  Matt, on the right, is a friend.  They were in Derek’s mother’s Chevy Suburban, which is bigger than the car that Ryan and two other guys took last year on a trip.  We said our hellos, and let them go do their hike while we continued our trip around the Tetons.  All I can say, that tops the bear any day!


The Grand Tetons - August 2012

Our first visit and view of the Tetons is shrouded in smoke from the western fires of early August 2012.

TODAY – MAY 5, 2016

The Grand Tetons - May 5, 2016

Yes, we could have asked for a clear blue sky…but wow, what a difference!  From this point on, I will let the pictures tell the rest of the story…and remember, clicking on a picture will let you see a larger version.

Jackson Lake - Tetons

Jackson Lake - Tetons

Jackson Lake - Tetons

Jackson Lake - Tetons

What you might see -- TetonsYoung, Restless, Still Rising - Tetons

Mount Moran - Tetons

Jenny Lake - Tetons     Jenny Lake - Tetons 

Teton Glacier

The Grand Tetons are sure a sight to see.  Like Yosemite and some of the other parks, I am sure one would have to visit during all four seasons to get the full grip on the beauty of the place.

Canadian Goose    Osprey    Mallard duck

And yes, we did get some bird pictures too.  All in all it was a great day, full of the majestic wonders the almighty has provided for our pleasure.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you...turned out much better than I thought it ever could have been like.

  2. I'm so happy you were able to spend time with your son! Praise God! Blessings, Lynn

  3. Beautiful pictures of the Tetons. We were there in August 2015 and the wildfires obscured our view.

    1. I think August must just be a smokey time in the Tetons, which is why we returned during the spring...low crowds (I mean very low) and no smoke.

  4. LOVE the animals!! Even the human variety!! Great pictures of the Tetons!!

    1. You can imagine how surprised we were to run into my youngest son Ryan...and a clear blue sky would have made better pictures, I am happy with what we got.

  5. Great photos of the mountains and the bear! I think the story of meeting your son in the Tetons is the best "small world" story I've heard. :-)

  6. A bear sighting is always a big deal, but a son sighting is WAY cool. Talk about luck! When you think about the chances of missing each other by just a few minutes! Wow!! So good to see all that snow in the Tetons:)

    1. It was like 30 minutes after the bear encounter that I had my so encounter. Did not expect either, and frankly, the bear encounter was the highlight of the day for about 30 minutes. :)


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