
Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Classic Race Car Paint Job – Part Two

This is the second part of a two part blog about the Classic Bradford 1937 Fiat Fuel Altered race car body that Arny has been repainting.  (Click Here to read part one if you missed it.)

Bradford's 1937 Fiat bodied altered dragster

On Wednesday around noon Arny took the race car's body to his son’s shop…by 6 pm it was back, sitting in his garage with a good clear coat on it.  Thursday was some minor rubbing and polishing a few areas, then is sat out in the sun for awhile.  Today was a little more of the same, and shortly after 6 pm, Randy (owner/driver) had arrived from Washington State.

Bradford's 1937 Fiat bodied altered dragster

The reflection that this paint job has is amazing…especially in the blue areas.

Bradford's 1937 Fiat bodied altered dragster    Bradford's 1937 Fiat bodied altered dragster

In the pictures above, on the left in the blue you can see the reflection of the tall trees which loom over the car in the picture on the right.  In the picture on right you can see the silver bag which is where the parachute is located.

A look from the inside out, Bradford's 1937 Fiat bodied altered dragster

Can you imagine the view out this window going over 200 miles per hours???

Marcia pointing out dragster to Skruffy     Dad getting a good look of the dragster

Everyone got into the act of looking over the fuel altered car body, with Skruffy (and Marcia) above left, and dad above right.

Bubba getting the VIP tour of the dragster

Of course Bubba had to get the VIP tour right up next to his pal Arny, along with Steve, who helped Arny out a bit with the body work.  His brother helped Arny transport it to and from the paint shops this past week.

Bradford Racing Helmet       Bradford Racing Helmet       Bradford Racing Helmet
Here is the helmet…it sure matches the race car body, and will be a great addition to the race car.  This is a brand new helmet, which had a base paint on it when Arny got it.  The entire paint job is Arny’s creation with the goal being to match the fuel altered car' body.


Here Randy (driver/owner) gets his first look at the new paint job.  Needless to say, he was more than happy with it.

Randy Bradford trying on new helmet

He did not hesitate to put the helmet on for the camera.  He thought the helmet was awesome, and could not believe how well it matches the fuel altered car's body.

Bradford's 1937 Fiat bodied altered dragster loaded up to go

We loaded the body up on the pickup to see how it will fit. Randy has a trailer back in Washington, but while here in town is also going to pick up his dad’s fishing boat to take back with him, and it has its own trailer.  So Saturday morning, I am going to get up at 5:30, and around 6, Randy will be back so that we can load the body back into the truck, tie it down real well, and off they will go to his home near Seattle. 

British Columbia Classic & Custom Car Show

Next weekend he has a car show in Abbotsford, British Columbia, where he plans to “show off” the new look of the Bradford 1937 Fiat Top Fuel Altered car  I think the Bradford Fuel Altered Car will be a big hit!  In May he races it in Salt Lake City.  Then it is off to Europe for a few shows there, but it should be back for the big race in Bakersfield in October.  When I get some pictures of the car put together, I will be sure to post them too.

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