
Saturday, April 2, 2016

Day After Fools Day Birthday Party

Dad (birthday boy yesterday), mom, Arny

Mom and dad were the first to arrive, and mom got a hold of one of Arny’s beers, and just about didn’t give it back to him.  (Her and dad are non-drinkers)

Sandy (sister), Marcia (wife), Donna (sis), Anna (son's GF), Michael (son)     Donna, Anna, Michael, Dad, Mom 

Patti (sis), Marcia, Donna

By 3:15, everyone had arrived.  Hoovering over pictures will tell you who everyone is (left to right).  Ten adults, no kids, four dogs…

Patti with Parker (in lap) and Charlie

Patti and her two dogs, Parker (on lap) and Charlie.  They were from the same litter, and she has had them for around six years now.  Donna lives in Patti’s house, and helps take care of them.  All four dogs get along real well.


Last year Michael graduated with his Masters from U.C. Berkeley.  When I graduated with my Masters Degree in Library and Information Sciences, my mom and dad gave me dad’s grandfathers Railroad Pocket Watch.  I forgot to bring it out to Michael last year, but this year I remembered, and I gave it to him today.

Inside the back is inscribed the following:  To Conductor Charles H. Burdick from his Friends on a Limited train carrying Unlimited Good Will.  January 1924.

Read this May 2012 blog post for the history about the watch, and read this May 2015 blog about Michael’s graduation.  Told Michael that he needed to be sure to have someone who he could hand it down to some day too (hint, hint).


We had New York Steaks, Chicken for non red meat eaters, baked potatoes, salad, bread, etc.   It as “so good”, and everyone went away stuffed.  Sandy’s short cake with strawberries and blackberries really topped it off.  Arny did all the cooking on his two barbecues, and he really out did himself, again.  YUMMY!

Sandy (holding Skruffy), Michael, Anna, Mom, Dad, Bubba (on floor)

After dinner, and after Patti and Donna took off, it was time to sit around and let things settle a bit.

Sandy and Skruffy    Bubba and Turtle (I think the Turtle is winning the race)

Well, we thought there would be entertainment…Santa, Elvis…the Duke.  But alas, I guess that was just an April Fools thought.  Dad had a wonderful birthday celebration regardless.  Happy Birthday Dad!!!!


  1. I'm so very happy for you! Praise God you've spent time with family! Blessings, Lynn


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