
Monday, December 21, 2015

Tis The Season to be Jolly

A couple of days away from Christmas, and many are scrambling to get everything bought, wrapped, shipped and/or cooked for the big “day”.  Well, today I want you to take a break, sit down with a hot cup of whatever, and enjoy a few Christmas funnies with me….

Dogs, and pets in general, always make Christmas a blast!

And this next one is for Skruffy…..

Then there are the Snowman Jokes….

And the Santa Jokes…

Marcia would say that this next one is for me…

And for the older people….

And the younger ones…

This Christmas, I hope you can enjoy something…the Christmas songs, the Christmas music, family or friends, giving and/or receiving, or 80 degree weather like our forecast here in Florida Winking smile.  But PLEASE, do remember what the day, what the season is all about.  


Through him one can truly find peace, comfort and the most precious thing of all, love…through him, we gain the greatest gift of all.


  1. Thank you for the chuckles and Christmas blessing, my friends. May God bless you, as you celebrate the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ!

  2. Thanks for the laughs Dave. You really took some time to collect all these. Wishing you and your whole gang a very Merry Christmas.

    1. Glad you are able to have Christmas with your daughter. Great news about a grandchild on the way!

  3. Happy New Year! May God bless you throughout 2016... and always!


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