
Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Newport Oregon -- Marcia’s Favorite Oregon Coastal View

Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint

Isn’t is something how people see the same view, but they see it in different ways?  In 2012 we found this turnout on Highway 101 just north of Depoe Bay, south of Lincoln Beach,  called the Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint, and when you look north, this is the view (picture above).  

Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint

Waves are crashing…

Birds are resting…
Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint
Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint

People are on the beach
But what Marcia sees…is something most people overlook…

Marcia's Waterfall, Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint

Can you see it now in the picture above????

Marcia's Waterfall, Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint

It is this little waterfall…among everything out there, she spotted this little waterfall…and with that focus, she just loves this view of the crashing waves, the flying birds, the noise, the smell…and this little waterfall.

 Marcia's Waterfall view, Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint, 2012    Marcia's Waterfall, Boiler Bay State Scenic Viewpoint, 2012

Above is what it looked like back in July 2012…it was a cold, foggy, misty day.  But she saw it…and today, as we drove down highway 101, unbeknownst to her, I knew exactly the spot…and I pulled in saying something like, “Don’t know if we ever have seen this view before….”  But this excitement IMMEDIATELY came upon her….”This is it…this is it, isn’t it?”   Unfortunately, no place to park…fortunately, it is only 16 miles from our RV Park, so we drove back later in the HHR.  Winking smile

Port of Newport RV Park

Newport has this very large RV park down at the marina…Port of Newport RV Parks…three RV parks, two full hook-ups, one dry camping.

Yaquina Bay Bridge

…right near the Yaquina Bay Bridge right along the waterfront area.  We are in the park’s annex section, which is the older section on gravel/dirt.

Dry Campgrounds with Yaquina Bay Bridge View

They also have a dry camping area on pavement, $18 per night…but we sprung for full-hookups for $38 per night.

Yaquina Bay Bridge and Fishing Pier

After having another seafood lunch/dinner, this time at South Beach Fish Market which Nancy Kissack had recommended (yes, it was good), I dropped Marcia off at the motorhome and I took stroll down Newport’s Fishing Pier, well within walking distance of the RV Park.

Seagull with Yaquina Bay Bridge in background    Seagull with Yaquina Bay Bridge in background    Seagull with Yaquina Bay Bridge in background

The seagulls are all over the place, and sit on the rail of the boardwalk…as you walk near, they fly away…making it easy to get a picture of the gull in flight.

Crabbing along Newport Fishing Pier   Crab along Newport Fishing Pier

A number of crab fishermen out on the boardwalk…and you can only keep them if they are so big.  This one on the right earned a trip back into the water.

Yaquina Bay Bridge

And you get a pretty good picture of the Yaquina Bay Bridge at the end of the boardwalk…and if you wait a bit, you can get a gull flying into your picture.  Of course, it would look better if the sun was not shinning into your face.

Rogue Ales Brewery Headquarters

Rogue Ales is a brewery which is headquartered here in Newport, right across from our RV Park.  They operate brewpubs in Oregon, Washington, and California, and micro distilleries in Newport and Portland.  We can see this building right out the front of the motorhome…and the fishing pier is just to the left of it.

Rogue Distillery

The distillery is over toward the marina more, fairly close to the dry camping area.  Didn’t go into either, but they were open, and seemed to offer tours and drinks.

Yaquina Bay Lighthouse

Here is a picture of Yaquina Bay Lighthouse, one of the two lighthouses which are in the Newport area.  We visited Newport back in 2012, and visited both lighthouses, and of course, Marcia’s waterfall ocean spot.  You can read that blog posting by clicking the link below:
Foggy, Overcast Oregon Day
Tomorrow we head on to Coos Bay.  A bit longer of a drive than we had the past three days by about 50 miles, but if the weather is like it was today, it will be a very pretty drive.  And as you could see by today's was a very, very nice day, light breeze, low '70's.


  1. Replies
    1. Yes she is good that we have two cameras because both of us have taken shots that the other one would not have or did not see.

  2. Beautiful! We'll have to travel along that road in the summer someday. Every time we've driven that way it's been rainy and gloomy.

    1. I have heard that late summer and into the fall is better than spring because the fog seems to burn off most days.

  3. Perfect spot to hang out ... love the marina there.

    1. Lots and lots of people that is for sure...but the annex had 3-4 spots open still. Plenty of room for 40+ footers, so you are fine.

  4. Coos Bay has an Indian reservation on the east side of 101 that has an RV park with full hook ups at a cost and a dirt parking lot they do charge you to park there though
    The best fun part was the wood chip train that woke us up in the morning
    But it was still fun

    1. By the way if you going to run down 101 stop in Winchester Bay
      There's a bakery right on 101 it's called the sourdough bakery spend your five dollars and get a cinnamon roll guarantee you will not be disappointed

    2. Already at the Casino. They use to not charge, now $15 per night, but only for one night. Already passed the cinnamon roll place, and it would have cost me more than $5 because we both love cinnamon rolls!

  5. When we went through Coos Bay, the whole Mill Casino rv park and boondocking area was rented out to FMCA. I couldn't believe it.

    1. I think that is what Nancy Kissack said in one of her earlier blogs. There was a few spots open in the RV Park but we took the parking lot instead. Wish it was still free.


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