
Monday, August 10, 2015

La Push Sunset

La Push Ocean Sunset

“What do you mean a La Push sunset?   I thought you were moving on?”, one might ask.  Well we did move, ten miles, or one mile depending upon how you look at it, over to La Push.  Woke up this morning, and I just decided that we needed some juice…electricity that is.  Camping in the rain forest area brings a bunch, and I do mean a bunch, of small evergreen leafy material in onto the floor and carpet of both the car and the motorhome.  Felt like we were getting away from that type of environment now, so let’s get some full hookups for a day and night and take care of business.  This new camping site, which I will share later, is just one mile away as the crow flies, ten miles away as the motorhome drives.  What I did not expect was such a great photo opportunity with the sun going down.

La Push Ocean Sunset    La Push Ocean Sunset

After another dinner at the only restaurant in town, food was still good, service was still a bit iffy, we came back and I took a 30-45 minute nap, and when I awaken, I look out the window and I just knew I needed to step outside with the camera.  Marcia had just laid down so I peeked my head in and asked if she wanted to go for a short drive to Beach One, but she said no (in her sleep I think).  So off we (Skruffy and I) went just a few hundred yards to the north.  Got this shot on the left from the same location we took shots just a few days ago, and the one on the right is from the Marina area just east of the restaurant (the restaurant would lay between the two areas).

La Push Ocean Sunset

Drove back over to the beach area, and the sun came back out from behind the clouds…wow it was bright.

La Push Ocean Sunset with Skruffy

There we go, now my eyes are shaded.  Winking smile 

La Push Ocean Sunset

It takes a bit of time and patience, but I knew the sun would be dipping into the cloud bank way off shore.  What a sight this was, as the radio is blasting away with Chris Tomlin - Blessed be Your name.  WOW!

La Push Ocean Sunset with boat passing through
La Push Ocean Sunset with boat passing through
La Push Ocean Sunset with boat passing through

Right then this boat start coming into the entrance of the harbor!  What timing!!!

La Push Ocean Sunset

The next song was “I can only imagine” by Mercy Me.  My goodness, I am just enjoying this to the max!  And then it happened…. 
“Hello there little fella.”  (as she steps right into my shooting view…)
GROWL….BARK….GROWL  (and NO, it isn’t me, it is Skruffy, although my first thought was “good girl”)
A nice conversation envelopes with this lady who is traveling with her husband from Portland (I think).  I tell her about Skruffy…her being a rescue…being a service dog for Marcia.  After about 5 minutes I say to her,
“See that tree over there?”

“Why yes, I was just going to get a picture of it…”

“Oh, if you go on the other side the tree will frame some of the rocks out there in the water!” I say.  And off she goes, the other way…to tell her husband.

La Push Ocean Sunset

I go back over there too and get this shot.  Then I show him and he is very appreciative.  He took numerous shots with his fancy camera and tripod. 

La Push Ocean Sunset

The sun has now sunk well into the cloud bank.  What a great sunset this has been.

La Push Ocean Sunset

I take a panoramic before I depart.

La Push Ocean Sunset from Marina

And felt like another shot from the marina might be nice…perhaps another panoramic….OH MY!  (Remember, you can click on any picture to make it larger, and the panoramic pictures are pretty good size.)

Quileute Oceanside Resort

La Push, which your remember from the blog just a few days ago, is home to the Quileute Indian Tribe.  We are sleeping on their Reservation, so technically we fall under their laws right now.  They have asked that we don’t take pictures of their people without permission, absolutely stay away from their cemetery (which due to the Twilight Book Series is a big thing), and don’t take anything, not even a rock.

Quileute Oceanside Resort

The RV Park is part of the Quileute Oceanside Resort.  It is $40 plus tax per night, $27 during off season (October to mid-May).  Tax is 12%, and they tell you what the breakdown is for the taxes.  They don’t get nearly as much money per person as many of the other tribes do, and they don’t have casinos…so they must survive on tourist.

Quileute Oceanside Resort

The RV park is right on the ocean, at least some of it.  Those RV’s to the right in this picture have a wonderful ocean view.

Quileute Oceanside Resort

Here is our ocean view looking out with the door open…oh well, we did not come for the view…but I am glad we got the sunset views that we did...isn’t that right Skruffy?


  1. Any spot near the ocean is a winner in my book. What a wonderful sunset you had. I feel sorry for the tribe with that Twilight Series. Notariaty I doubt they wanted although if it brings in tourist dollars, perhaps they are glad.

    1. Read an article dated 2010 which said that everyone is using the tribes name, and the tribe gets nothing from it. I think the tribe has been able to capitalize on the books a little, but I think they would rather like Meyers to have used a fictitious Indian Tribe.

  2. Great pictures ... don't you just love the ocean??

    1. Yes, it is wonderful. It is hard to pick out which picture I like the best, but I think Marcia is right that the one from the Marina has so much more going on within the picture with the sunset going on in the background that it is her favorite. I just could not believe how that boat went right through my line of site like it did...I didn't even have to move, just click at the right time!


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