
Thursday, May 28, 2015

RUN Dave and Marcia, RUN...back on the road again!

Yes, we are "back on the road again", running away from the safety and comfort of my sister's backyard, and that wonderful brother-in-law who can walk on water, I mean, fix just about anything mechanically, and from the shadow of mom and dad's house where warm, comfort and love abound. 

I-5 North of Redding

So we fought our way through Sacramento traffic to get to I-5...which was not bad since we left just before 3 in the afternoon...mailman came exactly at 2 pm.  We stopped at the first rest area to look over our tire sensors, for some reason two sensors, though put on right, were matched up with the wrong tires...a quick restart of the system fixed that.  Let me tell you, it is NICE to have a good idea what your pressures are on all ten tires at just a quick glance as it goes through each and every tire.  We got gas at a Love's station in Corning, stopping previous to that at a rest area just north of Willows to dump our tanks and walk the puppies.  And we got the camera out just after Redding.

Shasta Lake

Shasta Lake is one of my favorite lakes, definitely in the top ten.  Part of that reason is because I have been out on the lake in a "party boat" all by myself before for a few days, and enjoyed the peace and quiet, all the little coves one can hide in, and frankly to get away from the hustle of being a Restaurant Manager back in the 70's and 80's.

Shasta Lake

From the Interstate you get a few opportunities to get a quick picture, and Marcia did well...many to choose from.

Shasta Lake

Shasta Lake

Quickly our views of the Lake disappear...but Shasta Lake only comes before Mt. Shasta when one is headed northbound.

Mt. Shasta

Mt. Shasta

These pictures would be a heck of a lot better if the windshield was cleaner, but with no place to stop, it is what it is...but it shows why this area of I-5 is by far my favorite area of I-5.

Mt. Shasta

Then we get to the west of Shasta, and Marcia and get a few pictures out her window...just a few areas where trees don't block your view.

Sun getting ready to set near Mt. Shasta

The sun is setting to the west...about 15 minutes away.  We are 12 miles from the Weeds Rest Area which gives a great view of Mt. Shasta.  Speed limit is 55 in California if you are towing.  This is going to be close...

Shasta as the sun sets

Shasta as the sun sets

We continued to just past Yreka, next to trucks who are not, here in California, suppose to have their engines running while they break.  But we are on our way....a few more nights and we will be in Canada.  A few weeks after that, we will be in Alaska.


  1. “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Wishing you and Marcia blessed travels and magical experiences!

  2. Thanks Cheryl...and you know what, having a house on wheels ain't bad, after that truck kept running for 20 minutes next to us I just moved down the way, found a nice spot, and we had a good nights sleep. :) (move was only 100 yards away, well worth it!)

  3. Yea! Yea! Hip-hip Hooray! You be safe and have fun...I will be looking for Alaska thru your lens!

    1. Thanks, we sure enjoy your SW adventures....especially that Utah/Arizona Red Rock stuff!


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